Hey Today I am exhilarated to share you my real-time weather website "Weatheroid" where you can search any city and get the weather details. I developed this using pure JavaScript and fetch APIs. Well I had a hard time finding a perfect API for this project though :)
In this website you can find all the neccassary weather details of a particular city in a single page without going to multiple pages, also with a very clean and readable UI.
While working on this project I faced many bugs which made me learn new techniques of making a webite more user freindly. It also made me more aware of the functionality and probable bugs while working for future projects.
Do star this repository if you liked the webiste :)
Website: https://weatheroid.netlify.app/
Github: https://github.com/iamabhshk/Weatheroid
portfolio: https://abhisheksrinivasan.netlify.app/