This repo is for solutions of IBA Tech Academy assignments.
- Final Project e-Donor: Social app including post, chat, save and more functionalities for blood emergencies, connecting blood donors directly with people in blood need.
- Step Project NotesApp: Creating, editing, deleteing, and archiving notes
- Step Project HAM: HAM landing page
- Javascript 🔗
- hw1 : Checking user's age before continuing to browse
- hw2 : Doing int operations entered by user as string values
- hw3 : Creating username consists of first letter of name and whole surname
- hw4 : Filtering array by given type
- hw5 : Showing clicked tab elements while hiding non-clickeds
- React Native 🔗
- hw1 : Shopping list app
- React.js 🔗
- hw1 : Toggle modal windows (delete/rename)
- hw2 : Musica website for musics (listening, streaming, buying, etc.)
- hw3 : Musica website advanced
- HTML + CSS 🔗
Have you spotted a typo, would you like to fix a link, or is there something you’d like to suggest? Browse the source repository of this article and open a pull request. I will do my best to review your proposal in due time.
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