Terraform with aws by iamjjanga-ouo
1️⃣ I implemented interworking between 3-tier (WEB-WAS-DB) using Terraform and Ansible.
2️⃣ If possible,
- Provision of Cloud Resource → Terraform
- Resource Management, Package Control → Ansible implementation
3️⃣ I worked on the project by myself, but I configured Backend to manage Terraform in "tfstate" file (S3) and "lock" file (Dynamo DB) to enable simultaneous work.
4️⃣ Ansible created individual roles to differentiate the concept of each package.
├── main.yml # main playbook
└── role
├── flask
├── mysql
└── nginx
5️⃣ As it is a Test Project, the file containing the variable name is uploaded to public. (Excluding Secret KEY, SSL value, etc.)
- Python3
- AWS CLI v2
- Terraform Version >= v0.14.3
- Clone my project repo
$ git clone https://github.com/iamjjanga-ouo/terraform_w_aws.git
- Initialize Terraform Backend
$ cd terraform_w_aws/init
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Enter a value: yes
- Start Project Provision
$ cd ../aws-terraform-w-ansible
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Enter a value: yes
Wait provisioning....
clean this project
$ pwd
$ terraform destroy
Enter a value: yes
# you need to delete Backend S3, DynamoDB
$ cd ../init
$ python remove_s3.py # delete all s3 verisoned object
$ terraform destory
Enter a value: yes
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