We are developing a dedicated social media app for COVID resources only, in which there will be a direct link between the donor and the recipient . We will make sure that the request made by the recipient and the donor are both authentic as they will be required to submit the important prerequisites documents while making a request through our app and it will be visible to the donor also so that 100% transparency is also maintained . We will be using the technique of hashtags so that the recipient does not have to scroll through all the donor list available instead he/she just have to use #his requirements (ex: #plasma ,#food , #money etc.), so that he will see only the donors who are eligible according to his requirements . We will be clearing all the requests which have been completed within a span of 24 hours of its completion so that there is not a stack of completed requests in the list of pending requests. All the people have the power to share the requests made on the app to other social media platforms also .
Flow Chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ErYhhcqq535LWhGL3hf6KHg94L_nDcMz/view?usp=sharing