(c) Rouslan Grabar 2015
Velocity syntax for Sublime Text 2/3
- handling of inline <script />
- method parameters are uncolored
- velocity extensions should be colored different (using something like support.function.vm)
- reindent settings
Added snippet which creates new NVelocity widget. To use, create a new empty file, type newwidget
and press TAB key to expand. Then fill-in/edit required parameters and start hacking on the widget.
This is the initial release of syntax definition file. it's very simple and still requires improvements (I am still to master the syntax definition language)
- http://manual.macromates.com/en/language_grammars
- http://sublimetext.info/docs/en/extensibility/syntaxdefs.html
- http://www.sublimetext.com/
To contribute, please edit .JSON-tmLanguage file and use AAAPackageDev to convert it to .tmLanguage format.