An Elixir + Phoenix umbrella project template
- Features
- Cookiecutter Requirements
- Cookiecutter Usage
- Setting Everything Up
- Running the project
- Recommended VS Code Plugins
- Elixir (1.9.0)
- Phoenix (1.4)
- Absinthe (Elixir GraphQL library)
- Credo
- Dialyzer
- Excoveralls
- Dockerfile
- Gitlab CI Configurations
- React (latest)
- TypeScript
- ESLint with customized rules for Typescript and React (loosely based on Airbnb rules)
- Prettier + Editorconfig
- Single Page Application Routing: Reach Router with Lazy Loading
- Apollo GraphQL
- React Apollo with
- Apollo Client and Links setup readily available for you
working with example
- React Apollo with
- Frontend optimizations with webpack configuration out of the box. Includes:
- Split Chunks Optimization with
- Terser Minifier
- Code Splitting and Dynamic Imports
- OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin
- GZIP (Compression Plugin)
- Workbox (Service Worker)
- Cache Busting with Service Worker
- Split Chunks Optimization with
- Progressive Web App Capable
Install python first. We'll need pip
or pip3
to use cookiecutter
Install cookiecutter
command line: pip install cookiecutter
Generate a new Elixir + Phoenix + GraphQL + ReactJS + Docker project:
Stable (master
cookiecutter gh:ibakami/cookiecutter-elixir-phoenix
Latest (develop
cookiecutter gh:ibakami/cookiecutter-elixir-phoenix --checkout develop
Please install the latest versions to avoid problems
To avoid problems, it is recommended to do the steps in order. We also assume that you have the required application installed in your machine
Initialize Git Flow (default setting). Also, do the first commit so gitignore and git hooks will be initialized too.
Git Flow Cheatsheet
git flow init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial Commit"
Build docker for postgres
docker-compose up -d
Install phoenix dependencies
mix deps.get
Setting up the database and compiling stuffs
mix ecto.setup
Getting the npm packages with yarn (avoid using npm). Change <application slug>
to your project slug name
(cd apps/<application_slug>_web/assets && yarn)
Make the phoenix project work locally
mix phx.server
- Better Comments
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Eslint
- GraphQL
- Prettier - Code Formatter
- vscode-elixir
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License