Just Another Logging library for C++17.
- Synchronous and asynchronous logging
- Five fixed log levels: Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Critical
- Custom log scopes (categories).
- Custom log sinks and some predefined ones.
- Allows multiple independent loggers
- Thread safe
- Optimized for (in that order):
- Performance
- Ease of use
- Compilation time
- Logging styles:
- Jalog-style:
log("This is Jalog: ", 12, " and ", 3.141592);
-like:log << "This and " << 42;
-like:log("Crushing it since %d", 1971);
- raw (which allows you to provide your own style, say
- Jalog-style:
A small snippet showcasing some of the library's features:
It also exists as a complete and buildable example here.
jalog::Instance jl;
JALOG(Debug, "Log integers: ", 34, ", or in a custom base: ", jalog::base<16>(255));
JALOG(Info, "Log floating point numbers with no precision loss: ", 12.4356631);
std::string str = "my string";
std::string_view sv = std::string_view(str).substr(0, 6);
JALOG(Warning, "Log strings: '", str, "' and string views '", sv, "'");
Person alice = {"Alice", 34};
JALOG(Error, "Log types with custom ostream output: ", alice);
JALOG_PRINTF(Critical, "Log printf style: %d, %.3f, %s", 43, 3.14159, str.c_str());
This will produce an output similar to this:
- Features and Glossary
- Adding Jalog to your project
- The Basics
- Asynchronous Logging
- Creating Scopes
- Logging: Macros, Styles, Custom Types
- Custom Sinks
- Advanced topics:
There is an accompanying CMakeLists.txt
file in the repo. Use CMake to generate project or make files for your desired platform and compiler.
The library uses CPM.cmake to manage its dependencies and the best way to use it is as a CPM.cmake pacakge.
See Adding Jalog to your project for more info.
Issues and pull requests are welcome.
See Development and Implementation Notes on how to work on Jalog.
This software is distributed under the MIT Software License.
See accompanying file LICENSE or copy here.
Copyright © 2021-2025 Borislav Stanimirov