Image classifier and Object detection using Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick with Raspberry Pi and ( Pi Camera or USB Web Camera)
1- Intel Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick
2- Development computer running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
3- Raspberry Pi " Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 has been used in this work "
4- USB Camera
5- Pi Camera
Please follow the installation guide provided by Intel Movidius NCS :
1- From previous steps, you should have the following files on your Raspberry Pi :
- ncapi folder that include network's floders with each network graph file that has been compiled on your development computer.
- installed GStreamer on your Raspberry Pi
2- Install GStreamer element for the Raspberry Pi camera module (gst-rpicamsrc):
gst-rpicamsrc testing, run command below on your terminal, you should get a live stream preview from your PiCamera:
gst-launch-1.0 rpicamsrc bitrate=1000000 fullscreen=0 ! video/x-h264,width=640,height=480,framerate=25/1 ! filesink location=test.h264
3- Download and copy the modified python script '' to '../ncapi/py_examples/stream_infer/'
4- Run
SqueezeNet Inference :
FPS ~= 9 :
Compile .prototxt and corresponding .caffemodel to get the NCS graph file:
download pretrained model (.caffemodel):
By using the graph file of tiny YOLO, you will be able to get a result of object detection with [ ~5 FPS using USB 3 port and ~3 FPS using USB 2 port for Intel Movidius NCS]
Single image inference :
python3 1 ../images/person.jpg
Camera stream inference :
The author would like to thank the developers of Intel Movidius NCS, YOLONCS and gst-rpicamsrc. As well as i would like to acknowledge and express my utmost gratitude to my supervisor Professor Madya Dr. Lim Kim Chuan from Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
The equipment used in this work is provided by Machine Learning and Signal Processing Research Lab, Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). |