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ICOS Agent

Version: 0.1.0 Type: application AppVersion: 0.2.0

A Helm chart for the ICOS Agent

The ICOS Agent is responsible for managing the continuum (keeping track of the topology and availability of the current system) and the run-time (launching and monitoring the execution of services on-demand). Each ICOS Controller manages a set of Agents based on a proximity criteria; hence, ICOS Controllers are deployed on resource-rich computing facilities along the continuum to cover the whole geographical area.

This repository contains all the necessary information to install and deploy the ICOS Agent in a Kubernetes cluster.


Repository Name Version
ocm-descriptor 0.1.0
oci:// nuvla-dm ~0.0.1-main.10
oci:// telemetruum-gateway ~0.1.0-main.2

Install Chart

This creates the release and instantiates all the Kubernetes components associated with the ICOS Agent.

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] icos-agent

See values below.

See helm install for command documentation.



Key Type Default Description
global.icos.agentId string nil id of the agent
global.icos.controllerHost string nil endpoint of the ICOS Controller
global.icos.iam.baseUrl string "https://replace-with-keycloak-url" endpoint of the IAM service
global.icos.iam.publicKey string "replace-with-realm-public-key" public key of the IAM service
global.icos.iam.realm string "icos-realm" realm of the IAM service
global.icos.lighthouse.baseUrl string "http://replace-with-light-house-url" endponint of the Lighthouse


Key Type Default Description
global.icos.nuvlaDM.iamClientId string "nuvla-dm-client-id" Deployment Manger clientId
global.icos.ocmDM.iamClientId string "nuvla-dm-client-id" Deployment Manger clientId
ocm-descriptor.enabled bool false Enable OCM Deployment Manager


Key Type Default Description
global.icos.nuvlaDM.iamClientSecret string "nuvla-dm-client-secret" Deployment Manger clientSecret
global.icos.nuvlaDM.nuvlaApiKey string "nuvla-key" Nuvla apiKey
global.icos.nuvlaDM.nuvlaApiSecret string "nuvla-secret" Nuvla apiSecret
global.icos.ocmDM.iamClientSecret string "nuvla-dm-client-secret" Deployment Manger clientSecret
nuvla-dm.enabled bool false Enable Nuvla Deployment Manager

Uninstall Chart

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the ICOS Agent and deletes the release.

helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

See helm uninstall for command documentation.


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

helm show values icos-agent

You may similarly use the above configuration commands on each chart dependency to see its configurations.


The ICOS Agent is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Copyright © 2022-2024 ICOS. All rights reserved.

🇪🇺 This work has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070177.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2


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