For GOTM simulations for ISIMIP3 global lake simulation (more details here ), 7 water quality/physical variables were produced: watertemp (water temperature profile for 10 levels), surftemp (surface temperature), bottemp (bottom temperature), icetemp (ice temperature), icethick (ice thickness), latentheatf (latent heat flux), sensheatf (sensible heat flux). In order to validate the data obtained in the simulation 3 different figures were created using ISIMIP3a obsclim data, they can be found in the output folder, a few explained example below:
This figure shows 20CRv3-ERA5 simulation for bottom temperature for 1901-1910 decadal chunk.
This figure shows GSWP3-W5E5 simulation for sensible heat flux for 1997-03-22.
This figure shows 20CRv3-W5E5 simulation for the Lake Hulun (coordinates: 48.75,117.25; max depth: 19.81m) on the year 1931. Temperature units are in Kelvin, lines represent temperature at different depth from surface to bottom.
This figure shows 20CRv3-W5E5 simulation for the Lake Kivu (coordinates: -2.25,29.25; max depth: 475m) on the year 1931. Temperature units are in Kelvin, lines represent temperature at different depth from surface to bottom.
This figure shows 20CRv3-W5E5 simulation for the Lake Bosumtwi (coordinates: 6.75,-1.25; max depth: 22.41m) on the year 1931. Temperature units are in Kelvin, lines represent temperature at different depth from surface to bottom.
This figure shows 20CRv3-W5E5 simulation for the Lake Mendota (coordinates: 43.25,-89.25; max depth: 25.3m) on the year 1931. Temperature units are in Kelvin, lines represent temperature at different depth from surface to bottom.