This dataset provides a global database of organic carbon burial rates (gC m⁻² y⁻¹) across diverse aquatic ecosystems, including lakes, reservoirs, floodplains, other wetlands, and coastal ecosystems (seagrasses, saltmarshes, and mangroves).
The column names are self-explanatory:
- Name
- System number
- Ecosystem type
- Country
- Continent
- Latitude
- Longitude
- LSR mmy⁻¹
- DBD gcm⁻³
- Cdensity kgCm⁻³
- OC content %
- OCBrate gCm⁻²y⁻¹
- OC depo gCm⁻²y⁻¹
- OCBeff %
- Dating method Reference
- Notes_ID
For more details, please refer to the supplementary material of the associated article, which must be cited when using this data compilation.:
Henry, D., Catalán, N., Obrador, B., & Marcé, R. (2024). Modeling carbon burial along the land to ocean aquatic continuum: Current status, challenges and perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews, 104791.