This is a simple zabbix template for monitoring RabbitMQ cluster (for Windows). Take a note that this template require installed management plugin (
How to start using :
- Install RabbitMQTools for Powershell on target host (
- Put rabbitMqClusterMonitoring.ps1 in zabbix agent folder on target host and replace "your_rabbitMQ_url", "your_user", "your_password" with relevant for you vallues.
- Test if script works with command " .\rabbitMqClusterMonitoring.ps1 "message_stats" "publish_details" "rate" "
- Add UserParameter to zabbix agent configuration file (don't forget to check full path to rabbitMqClusterMonitoring.ps1)
- Import template to your Zabbix server instance and asign it to target host