Repository contains code, which was used for preparation to devopsfest 2020:
- powershell modules with helper functions
- dockerfile for running terraform and terragrunt (including powershell helpers)
- terraform definition of abstract "backend" infrastructure in azure
Clone project
git clone
cd devopsfest2020samples
Build docker image
docker build -t infrastructure .
Run container from image. Mount folder with repository as a volume to container
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home infrastructure
Login to Azure with azure cli and Powershell module for Azure. Set proper subscribtion with powershell if needed
az login
Set-AzContext -SubscribtionName <your subscribtion name>
Deploy InstanceHub
cd /home/backend/InstanceHub
Set-Environment -environmentName dev -force -skipInit
terragrunt apply-all
Deploy Instance
cd /home/backend/Instance
Set-Environment -environmentName dev -force -skipInit
terragrunt apply-all
Deploy InstanceLbRule
cd /home/backend/InstanceLbRule
Set-Environment -environmentName dev -force -skipInit
terraform apply