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This is simple DateFormatter extension which allows you to create a DateFormatter instance with a specific date pattern in one line.

So instead of writing:

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.locale = .current
formatter.timeZone = .current
formatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm:ss"

you write:

let formatter = DateFormatter.custom(format: .fullTime(format: .twentyFour))

You can also optionally select the locale and timezone:

let formatter = DateFormatter.custom(format: DateFormatter.DateFormat, locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US"), timeZone: .gmt)

or leave them as default as


if you do not specify a format, the .fullTimeAndDate format will be used by default:

let formatter = DateFormatter.custom()
Available format templates Representation
.time(withOnly: .hours) 23
.time(withOnly: .minutes) 59
.time(withOnly: .seconds) 59
.time(withOnly: [.hours, .minutes]) 23:59
.fullTime(format: .twelve) 11:59:59
.fullTime(format: .twentyFour) 23:59:59
.fullTime(format: .withAMPM) 11:59:59 PM
.date(withOnly: .day) 11
.date(withOnly: .numMonth) 08
.date(withOnly: .shortMonth) Aug
.date(withOnly: .wideMonth) August
.date(withOnly: .shortYear) 23
.date(withOnly: .wideYear) 2023
.date(withOnly: [.day, .shortMonth, .shortYear]) 11 Aug 23
.fullDate(format: .numDate(separator: ",")) 11,08,2023
.fullDate(format: .shortWordDate) 11 Aug 2023
.fullDate(format: .fullWordDate) 11 August 2023
.dayOfWeek(format: .number) 5
.dayOfWeek(format: .letter) F
.dayOfWeek(format: .abbreviation) Fri
.dayOfWeek(format: .word) Friday
.fullTimeAndDate 11 August 2023 23:59:59


iOS 9+. Swift 3.0.


DateFormatterConstructor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "DateFormatterConstructor"

DateFormatterConstructor is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "idapgroup/DateFormatterConstructor"


TableViewCellRegistrar is available under the New BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more info.