Parse google spreadsheet to json i18n localization files.
For auth and load sheets use google-spreadsheet package
With npm:
npm install @idapgroup/spreadsheet-localization-parser
or with yarn:s
yarn add @idapgroup/spreadsheet-localization-parser
IMPORTANT NOTE - If you need to call await in a script at the root level, you must instead wrap it in an async function like so:
(async function() {
await someAsyncFunction();
import {GoogleSpreadsheet} from "google-spreadsheet";
import { JWT } from 'google-auth-library';
import {
} from "@idapgroup/spreadsheet-localization-parser";
import creds from './config/myapp-1dd646d7c2af.json'; // the file saved above
const SCOPES = [
const jwt = new JWT({
email: creds.client_email,
key: creds.private_key,
scopes: SCOPES,
const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('<YOUR-DOC-ID>', jwt);
* load all sheets or specific
* @param {GoogleSpreadsheet} doc - initialized GoogleSpreadsheet instance
* @param {LoadSheetOptions} options - optional options for filter sheets by title, id or index
const sheets = await loadSheets(doc)
// parser options
const parseOptions: ParseOptions = {
keyColumnName: 'key', // key column name for parse(column name must be equal to this key)
languages: ['en', 'de'], // languages for parse(column name must be equal to language)
normalizeValue: normalizeDynamicValue, // optional callback for normalize dynamic value by you i18n lib rules
keepEmpty: false, // optional keep empty values
* parse sheets
* @param {GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet[]} sheets - array of GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet instances
* @param {ParseOptions} options - parser options
const translations = await parseSpreadsheets(sheets, parseOptions);
* write translations to files
* @param {string} path - path to directory for write files
* @param {ParsedTranslations} translations - translations object
writeTranslations(path, translations)
For ^3.0.0
and below versions of google-spreadsheet
import {GoogleSpreadsheet} from "google-spreadsheet";
import {loadSheets, parseSpreadsheets, writeTranslations, normalizeDynamicValue} from 'spreadsheet-localization-parser'
import {
} from "@idapgroup/spreadsheet-localization-parser";
* Initialize the sheet - doc ID is the long id in the sheets URL
const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('<the sheet ID from the url>');
* Initialize Auth
* @see
await doc.useServiceAccountAuth({
// env var values are copied from service account credentials generated by google
// see "Authentication" section in docs for more info
client_email: process.env.GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
private_key: process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY, // **IMPORTANT NOTE** - replace escaped \n symbols to new line replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
More info about GoogleSpreadsheet and GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet:
Transform string value with regexp pattern to dynamic value You can write your own normalize function for your i18n lib
import {normalizeDynamicValue} from "@idapgroup/spreadsheet-localization-parser";
normalizeDynamicValue('First %d days free') // output - First {{value}} days free
// use for parser with options
const options = {
prefix: '{{',
suffix: '}}',
dynamicValueName: 'value',
parseSpreadsheets(sheets, {languages, keyColumnName, normalizeValue: (value) => normalizeDynamicValue(value, options)})