Deploys Singularity container that runs an Ansible role which deploys 2 EC2 t3.micro nodes with 1 m5.4xlarge NFS head node.
SSH keys are configured within the container and deployed into AWS.
A quick OpenFoam simulation, PitzDaily, will then be ran across all nodes with results, including log files, copied back to local /tmp/FOAM_RUN directory for optional post processing with paraFoam.
Install Singularity locally. No issues with version 3.5.3 on Linux Mint (xenial).
Create an AWS account, IAM user, and generate your own API keys.
Subscribe to CentOS 8 AMI ami-0a5bd0847d7badbbf.
After installing Singularity, clone this project then change to working directory that contains the code.
Edit ansible-aws.def replacing AWS variables, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, etc, with appropriate API keys.
Edit and change SINGULARITY_USER with user name that will run container.
Then build container:
sudo singularity build /tmp/ansible-aws.sif ansible-aws.def
Run the container:
singularity run /tmp/ansible-aws.sif
Compiling OpenMPI and OpenFoam will take a while.
Results for the simulation are copied back to host executing the container.
EC2 instances, along with attached storage, are terminated upon completion.
Ansible playbook output will be printed to stdout so you can see progress.
If you like it's possible to SSH into nodes while Ansible's being ran ideally after RAID and NFS roles are completed.
In separate terminal window enter the container while it's being ran:
singularity shell /tmp/ansible-aws.sif
Activate Python Virtual Environment:
source /venv/ansible/bin/activate
Configure SSH alias:
alias ssh="ssh -F /ssh/config"
Check Ansible dynamic inventory:
ansible-inventory --list
Then SSH into head node, ideally as mpiuser, show in the inventory group tag_Type_NFS. You could also connect as ec2-user then sudo su - mpiuser.
Note that passwordless ssh authentication has only been configured across the cluster for mpiuser not ec2-user thus jobs are executed under that account.
Install Paraview, and run paraFoam, to visualize results which were copied to /tmp
Configure secondary private network in EC2 cluster.
Restrict public SSH access to only head node.
Compile OpenMPI and OpenFoam using gcc march flags.
Install OpenFoam via Singularity container on NFS head node given OpenFoam takes a long time to compile.
Add some more computationally intensive simulations.