You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
** AMFCheckVersion** [BOOLEAN] If you want at startup of Apache Web Server verify the last version number of AMF aviable.
PerlSetEnv AMFCheckVersion true
AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter with memcached,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter with memcached AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter with memcached the default is false
AMFLiteDetectionFilter the default is true
** AMFDeepParse**
(NUMBER) Is how deep is the Device Detection, for example if you have this user agent
For example:
''Nokia2730c-1/2.0 (09.41) Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 nokia2730c-1/UC Browser7.9.0.102/70/352''
AMF try to compare this useragent and if the device is not found is try to compare to:
''Nokia2730c-1/2.0 (09.41) Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 nokia2730c-1/UC Browser7.9.0.102/70
Nokia2730c-1/2.0 (09.41) Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 nokia2730c-1/UC Browser7.9.0.102/
PerlSetEnv AMFDeepParse 3
AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter
** AMFDownloadParam (before was AMFDownloadParamURL)** [BOOLEAN]Connect to Apache Mobile Filter webservice for download parameter.
PerlSetEnv AMFDownloadParam true
** AMFMobileHome** [DIRECTORY] Is the most important directive in this directory AMF read the Device Repository or config parameter.
PerlSetEnv AMFMobileHome /home/AMF
all modules
** AMFMobileKeys** For new useragent that AMF not detect as mobile device you can add keys to force it, for example:
Mozilla/4.0 mickymouse
You can add "mickymouse" as new key to force as mobile:
PerlSetEnv AMFMobileKeys mickeymouse,
AMFLiteDetectionFilter,AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter
** AMFProductionMode** [BOOLEAN] For production environment is suggested to set this parameter to true, in this mode AMF detect only the first time the mobile device. The default value is false.
PerlSetEnv AMFProductionMode true
AMFLiteDetectionFilter,AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter
** AMFSetGetParameterTimeOut** [number] For set the timeout for download parameter from internet default is 5 seconds
PerlSetEnv AMFSetGetParameterTimeOut 10
** AMFSetHttpProxyPort** [number] The port of http proxy for download repository, default is 3128
PerlSetEnv AMFSetHttpProxyPort 8080
** AMFSetHttpProxy** [string] The host of http proxy for download repository
PerlSetEnv AMFSetHttpProxy host.example.com
** AMFSetProxy** [BOOLEAN] For access to internet through proxy to download repository, default is false
PerlSetEnv AMFSetProxy true
** AMFSwitcherExclude** [STRING] This directive tells to AMF which directory, type of file or specific file must be ignored from AMFSwitcher.
PerlSetEnv AMFSwitcherExclude /images/,jpg,example.php
Modules: AMFSwitcher
** AMFTraceCapability** [STRING] To list the capabilities you want to trace on apache webserver log, below an example of log:
[Mon Mar 22 10:45:42 2010] [warn] [client ::1] AMFTrace - id=mozilla_ver5|brand_name=generic web browser| User_Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; it-it) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7
PerlSetEnv AMFTraceCapability ,
** AMFTraceDebug** [BOOLEAN] If you want to activate or not the AMFTrace
PerlSetEnv AMFTraceDebug true
** AMFTraceFS**
[STRING] To set the field separator of log file generated by AMFTrace, the default value "|".
PerlSetEnv AMFTraceFS @
** AMFWSCacheControl**
If you use proxy to access to the AMFwebservice, is suggested to use AMFWSCacheControl. With this paramerer all proxy cache in middle don’t send many request to webservice. The syntax is:
PerlSetEnv AMFWSCacheControl max-age=2592000
** CacheDirectoryStore**
[DIRECTORY] Is the directive that indicates the directory where AMF cache device data on file system. The directory must be writeable from apache webserver.
PerlSetEnv CacheDirectoryStore /home/AMF/cachedirectory
Modules: AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter , AMFDeviceMonitor
** CapabilityList** A Device Repository has hundreds capabilities and normally a project uses only few of them, it's possible to list the capabilities used. For example:
PerlSetEnv CapabilityList xhtml_table_support, is_wireless_device
The default value is all
AMF51DegreesFilter, AMF51DegreesFilter,AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter, AMFWURFLFilter, AMFWURFLFilter
** CarrierNetDownload**
[BOOLEAN] If you want update on line the mobile carrier tyoue must put this directive on true value, the default is false.
PerlSetEnv CarrierNetDownload true
** CarrierUrl**
[URL] To download directly from a website the list of mobile carrier.
PerlSetEnv CarrierUrl http://www.andymoore.info/carrier-data.txt
** Degrees51NetDownload**
[BOOLEAN] Set if the DR 51 Degrees is downloadable from URL. The default is false.
PerlSetEnv Degrees51NetDownload true
** DetectRightNetDownload**
[BOOLEAN] Set if the DR DetectRight is downloadable from URL. The default is false.
PerlSetEnv DetectRightNetDownload true
** Download51DegreesURL**
[URL] Set the URL of 51Degrees Device Repository is downloadable. Degrees51NetDownload must set on true.
PerlSetEnv Download51DegreesURL http://
** DownloadDetectRightURL**
[URL] Set the URL of DetectRight Device Repository is downloadable. DetectRightNetDownload must set on true.
PerlSetEnv DownloadDetectRightURL http://
** DownloadWurflURL**
[URL] Set the URL of WURFL Device Repository is downloadable. WURFLNetDownload must set on true.
PerlSetEnv WURFLDegreesURL http://
** ForceTabletAsFullBrowser**
[BOOLEAN]For mobile device like tablets (like iPad) frequently it’s right that thay access to PC site, the paramater is
PerlSetEnv ForceTabletAsFullBrowser true
** FullBrowserMobileAccessKey**
[STRING] Sometime it’s possible to be able to mobile device to access on PC site, with AMF is simple you need to defince the FullBrowserMobileAccessKey like:
PerlSetEnv FullBrowserMobileAccessKey fullbrowser #the value you can change
and in your mobile page write this link:
Desktop Version
** FullBrowserUrl** [URL] This parameter indicate the http address where redirect the PC browser.
For local subdirectory:
PerlSetEnv FullBrowserUrl /pcbrowser
Or another site:
PerlSetEnv FullBrowserUrl http://www.pcbrowser.com
** ImageParamPerc**
[STRING] Directive that define the name of parameter you want to pass for the percentage resize. The default value is "dim"
PerlSetEnv ImageParamPerc mickeymouse
so when you want to resize for 50% an image of the device screensize (taken form device repository):
** ImageParamWidth**
[STRING] Directive that define the name of parameter you want to pass for define in pixel exactly the size of an image. The default value is "width"
PerlSetEnv ImageParamWidth mickeymouse
so when you want to resize for 150px an image of the device screensize (taken form device repository):
** LoadWebPatch** ** MobileVersionUrl** ** PatchWurflNetDownload** ** PatchWurflUrl** ** Personal51DegreesFileName** ** PersonalDetectRightFileName** ** PersonalWurflFileName** ** RedirectTranscoderUrl** ** ResizeImageDirectory** ** ResizeSmallImage** ** RestMode** ** ServerMemCached** ** SetCacheTime** ** WildCardRedirect** ** WurflNetDownload**
[BOOLEAN] Set if the DR WURFL is downloadable from URL. The default is false.
PerlSetEnv WURFLNetDownload true