The Plan Version 2 started out with good Gulp intentions; however, since then, gulp-cssnano is deprecated and has issues. Will regulp for practice but later. I also return to this to play with testing. In addition, I want the player to choose the theme from a list as well as other ways to make the game more user friendly (keep track of wins, etc ...).
Blog post on branches
To do:
-[x] Make tests for new fcn to ignore - spaces and '
-[x] Add new fcn for new fcn to ignore - spaces and '
-[ ] Keep track of losses
-[x] Keep track of wins
-[ ] Offer buttons that load different themes
Someone suggested that I keep track of the guesses remaining, but there's a stick figure dying outside of the school in front of the students. His only role is to show you how many guesses are left. Do I need to add another field or is that just making code to prove something. Currently undecided.
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Sass
- Gulp
- Mocha
- Chai
- SVG illustrations by Sketch App
Version 1: Theme is Pants!
The classic hangman game where the player chooses letters to guess a word. Good guesses leave the chalkboard and appear in the dashes below. Bad guesses are noted in red, and a body part appears outside on the gallows.
Why does it take too long to finish version 2? Because there's so much other stuff to learn. So. There you have it.