More complete documentation is available at the following links:
is a graph grammar library.
It transforms graphlib graphs
using a configurable, JSON-described graph grammar
(see e.g. these slides by Matilde Marcolli,
or this RPS article about Joris Dormans' Unexplored (which uses the technique to generate "cyclic" levels),
or this Wikipedia page).
It can be used for game levels, procedural content, simulations, etc.
- bin/transform.js: transform a graph using a graph grammar
- bin/lattice.js: create an N*N square lattice
- bin/graph2dot.js: the
graphlib-to-Graphviz feature, as a separate script
- grammars/dungeon.js: choose-your-own dungeon
- grammars/level.js: a roguelike level (should be initialized with a square lattice)
- grammars/test.js: a test grammar
var graphlib = require('graphlib'),
Grammar = require('../graphgram').Grammar,
fs = require('fs')
var grammarFile = 'grammars/dungeon.json'
var grammarJson = JSON.parse (fs.readFileSync (grammarFile).toString())
var grammar = new Grammar (grammarJson)
var graph = grammar.evolve().graph
The resulting graph
is a graphlib object.
Usage: node transform.js
-g, --grammar=PATH read grammar file (default "grammars/dungeon.js")
-c, --canonical use canonical schema (no syntactic sugar)
-j, --schema=PATH save JSON schema to file
-C, --canonize=PATH save canonical grammar to file
-i, --input=PATH read graphlib JSON file
-o, --output=PATH write graphlib JSON file
-d, --dot=PATH write graphviz DOT file
-L, --limit=N limit number of rule applications
-S, --stage=N only run one stage
-s, --seed=N seed random number generator
-q, --quiet do not print pretty log messages
-v, --verbose print MORE pretty log messages
-h, --help display this help message