Releases: iiDk-the-actual/iis.Stupid.Menu
Source code can be found at
Gorilla Tag and their silent patches, gotta love em'
+ All Rig Mods [no longer detected]
+ Snowball Mods
+ Lag Gun
+ Lag All
+ Lag Spike Gun
+ Lag Spike All
+ Crash All [buggy]
+ Narrate Notifications
+ Backup Preferences
+ Mute DJ Sets
- Attic Serversided Blocks [patched]
- Glasses on Grip
- Rec Room Body
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Fixed snowballs again
+ Previous Snowball Mods
+ Disable Autosave
+ Custom Boards
+ Snowball Fling Vertical Gun
+ Snowball Fling Vertical All
+ Snowball Fling Away Gun
+ Snowball Fling Player Towards Gun
+ Snowball Fling Player Away Gun
+ Snowball Orbit
+ Snowball Rain
+ Snowball Hail
+ Change Gun Variation
+ Change Gun Direction
+ Fast Snowballs
+ Slow Snowballs
- Snowball Strong Fling Gun/All [patched]
- Snowball Lag Gun/All [patched]
- Snowball Crash Gun/All [patched]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
This was rushed, I really hope I didn't release some things I shouldn'tve
A lot of snowball things :3
+ Freeze Player in Menu
+ Projectiles
+ Custom Boards
+ Dynamic Gradients
+ Spaz Accessories
+ Cosmetic Spoof
+ Microphone Feedback
+ Pop All Balloons
+ Snowball Lag Gun/All
+ Snowball Crash Gun/All
+ Anti Report [Crash]
+ Anti Report [Fling]
+ Snowball Fling Gun/All
+ Snowball Fling Towards Gun
+ Snowball Strong Fling Gun/All
+ Guardian Blind Gun/All
+ Snowball Airstrike Gun
+ Massive Snowball Gun
+ Massive Snowball Minigun
+ Snowball Particle Gun
+ Snowball Impact Effect Gun
+ Snowball Punch Mod
+ Attic Serversided Blocks
+ Attic Anti Report
+ Attic Draw Gun
+ Attic Build Gun
+ Attic Tower Gun
+ Attic Freeze Gun/All
+ Attic Float Gun
+ Virtual Stump Teleporter Effect Spammer
+ Rainbow Bracelet
+ Get Builder Watch
+ Remove Builder Watch
+ Performance Visuals
+ Fast Ropes
+ Anti Knockback
+ Large Snowballs
+ Become Balloon
+ Round Menu
+ Glasses on Grip
+ Auto Join Room "LUCIO"
+ Auto Join Room "VEN1"
+ Auto Join Room "SREN17"
+ Spin Rig Body
+ Spaz Rig Body
+ Reverse Rig Body
+ Rec Room Body
- Nothing
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
One day late Christmas present
Have fun! <3
+ Joystick Mods
+ Loud Hand Taps
+ Uncap FPS
+ Custom Keybinds
+ Guardian Break Movement Gun/All
+ Change Notification Sound
+ Fake Broken Controller
+ Smooth Rig
- Serversided Mute Gun/All [detected]
- Lag Gun/All [patched]
- Kick Gun [patched]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Merry christmas! <3
If you want to give me presents, you can always donate to me: $iiWasHere
+ Menu x2
+ Kick Gun
+ Better FPS Boost
+ Block Mods
+ Anti Crash
+ Serversided Mute Gun
+ Serversided Mute All
+ Lag Gun
+ Lag All
+ Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick All
+ Force Unload Custom Map
+ Attic Crash Gun
+ Attic Crash All
+ Guardian Blind Gun
+ Guardian Blind All
+ Dynamic Gradient
+ Unlimited Building
+ Disable Kick Gun Reconnect
+ Networked Platforms [attic]
+ Attic Size Toggle
+ Guardian Spaz
+ Grab All Nearby
+ Massive Block
+ Select Block Gun
+ Auto Clicker
+ Streamer Remove Leaves
+ Anti Grab
+ Slingshot Bark Fly
+ Ghost Animations
+ Change Pull Mod Power
+ Swap Gun Hand
+ Smooth Gun Pointer
+ Auto Spoof Cosmetics
+ Apple Projectiles
+ Physical Menu
+ Change Input Text Color
- Guardian Blind Gun/All [was never allowed to release this in the first place, was an accident]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Massive credits to kingofnetflix for the new mods
+ Kick Gun [faster, even more less detected]
+ Better FPS Boost
+ Block Mods
+ Anti Crash
+ Menu
+ Serversided Mute Gun
+ Serversided Mute All
+ Lag Gun
+ Lag All
+ Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick All
+ Force Unload Custom Map
+ Attic Crash Gun
+ Attic Crash All
+ Guardian Blind Gun
+ Guardian Blind All
+ Networked Platforms [attic]
+ Attic Size Toggle
+ Guardian Spaz
+ Grab All Nearby
+ Massive Block
+ Select Block Gun
+ Auto Clicker
+ Streamer Remove Leaves
+ Anti Grab
+ Slingshot Bark Fly
+ Ghost Animations
+ Change Pull Mod Power
+ Swap Gun Hand
+ Smooth Gun Pointer
+ Auto Spoof Cosmetics
+ Apple Projectiles
+ Physical Menu
+ Change Input Text Color
- Guardian Blind Gun/All [was never allowed to release this in the first place, was an accident]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Massive credits to kingofnetflix for the new mods
+ Kick Gun [faster, less detected]
+ Better FPS Boost
+ Block Mods
+ Anti Crash
+ Serversided Mute Gun
+ Serversided Mute All
+ Lag Gun
+ Lag All
+ Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick All
+ Force Unload Custom Map
+ Attic Crash Gun
+ Attic Crash All
+ Guardian Blind Gun
+ Guardian Blind All
+ Networked Platforms [attic]
+ Attic Size Toggle
+ Guardian Spaz
+ Grab All Nearby
+ Massive Block
+ Select Block Gun
+ Auto Clicker
+ Streamer Remove Leaves
+ Anti Grab
+ Slingshot Bark Fly
+ Ghost Animations
+ Change Pull Mod Power
+ Swap Gun Hand
+ Smooth Gun Pointer
+ Auto Spoof Cosmetics
+ Apple Projectiles
+ Physical Menu
+ Change Input Text Color
- Nothing
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Massive credits to kingofnetflix for the new mods
+ Better FPS Boost
+ Block Mods
+ Anti Crash
+ Serversided Mute Gun
+ Serversided Mute All
+ Lag Gun
+ Lag All
+ Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick Gun
+ Virtual Stump Kick All
+ Force Unload Custom Map
+ Attic Crash Gun
+ Attic Crash All
+ Guardian Blind Gun
+ Guardian Blind All
+ Networked Platforms [attic]
+ Attic Size Toggle
+ Guardian Spaz
+ Grab All Nearby
+ Massive Block
+ Select Block Gun
+ Auto Clicker
+ Streamer Remove Leaves
+ Anti Grab
+ Slingshot Bark Fly
+ Ghost Animations
+ Change Pull Mod Power
+ Swap Gun Hand
+ Smooth Gun Pointer
+ Auto Spoof Cosmetics
+ Apple Projectiles
+ Physical Menu
+ Change Input Text Color
- Nothing
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Release 5.0.0
Source code can be found at
Added the best monke block mod out right now <3
+ Custom Menu Theme
+ Custom Menu Background
+ Disable Wind Barriers
+ Disable Custom Boards
+ Join Random
+ Teleport to Map
+ Spin Head X
+ Spin Head Y
+ Spin Head Z
+ Notifications
+ Destroy Building Blocks
+ Destroy Building Block Gun
+ Grab Building Blocks
+ Building Block Gun
+ Orbit Building Blocks
+ Rain Building Blocks
+ Grab All Nearby
+ Small Building
+ Multi Grab
+ Change Menu Language
+ Guardian Self
+ Guardian Gun
+ Guardian All
+ Unguardian Self
+ Unguardian Gun
+ Unguardian All
+ Effect Spam Hands
+ Effect Spam Gun
+ Player Scale Menu
+ Dynamic Animations
+ Hide Notifications on Camera
+ Hide Text on Camera
+ Hidden on Camera
+ Hidden Labels
+ Name Tags
+ Pull Mod
+ Apple Projectiles
+ Bat Projectiles
+ Bomb Projectiles
- Crystal Ball Vision [removed]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates:
Source code can be found at
Fixed for Guardian update
+ Menu
+ Cosmetic Browser
+ Always Max Velocity
+ Get ID Gun
+ Joystick Fly
+ Drive
+ Grab Gun/All [SERVERSIDED]
+ Bring Gun/All [SERVERSIDED]
+ Fling Gun/All [SERVERSIDED]
+ Always Guardian
+ Visualize Network Triggers
+ Visualize Map Triggers
+ Change Drive Speed
- Moon Mods [removed]
- Lucy Mods [removed]
Full feature list: <#1170856928897945750>
If you have any questions, please check <#1209184097012817940> first.
If you don't know how to install the menu, watch this:
I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to put them in <#1170117946740322434>!
Join the Discord server for notifications on when the menu updates: