A backend storage for the Annotator, based on PHP/Silex and SQLite. You can see the demo of how Annotator works.
A single annotator-store-lite instance can be used for multiple annotated Web pages on the same host. The storage relates the annotations to the page URI-s that they originate from, relying on the HTTP Referer header sent with the AJAX request saving an annotation object.
Sample nginx configuration:
location /annotator-store-lite/ {
root /srv/www/annotator-store-lite/www;
try_files $uri $uri/ @annotatorstore;
location @annotatorstore {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/www/annotator-store-lite/www/index.php;
fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $uri;
rewrite ^/annotator-store-lite/(.*)$ /$1 break;
location ~ \.php$ {
return 404;
Add the CONFIG, initialize the database:
$ cd /srv/www/annotator-store-lite
$ cp ./CONFIG.sample.json ./CONFIG.json
$ php ./scripts/init_db.php
: sets the apiRootUrlWithoutTrailingSlash
to /annotator-store-lite
-- the storage
Web application's "mount" path.
Include the <script>
elements from
into your Web page. You'll probably find it easier to use Bower package manager
to fetch all the JS
dependencies, just as
the demo page does.
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
~/prj/annotator-store-lite(master)$ vagrant up && vagrant ssh
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-raring-64:/vagrant$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
- Functional Annotator Store API (without search)
- A working demo page with the front-end plugged in
- Multi-page support via URI-s and HTTP Referer
- Use bower for the demo page dependencies
- Switch to the Ubuntu official 13.04 amd64 box under Vagrant
- Improved Vagrant/SaltStack setup
- dbFilePath config value introduced