Magnetize is a web application built with modern technologies such as Laravel, Bootstrap 4, RESTful API etc. The purpose I built this software because I want to keep this software up to date with current modern technology using the framework that I developed. Aside from that, I use this software as an API to learn other frameworks (Mobile Apps, SPA, Desktop Apps etc)
The following tools are required in order to start the installation.
- PHP 8.2 or higher
- Database (eg: MySQL, MariaDB)
- Web Server (eg: Nginx, Apache)
- Local Development (Valet for Mac or Laragon for Windows)
Clone the repository with
git clone
Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
cp .env.example .env
Install composer packages
composer install
Install npm packages and compile files
npm install
For Development:
npm run dev
For Production:
npm run build
in .envphp artisan key:generate
Running migrations and all database seeds
php artisan migrate --seed
Create the symbolic link
php artisan storage:link
Set up a working e-mail driver like Mailrap or use MailHog (local)
Running horizon for queue
php artisan horizon
You can now visit the app in your browser by visiting https://magnetize.test. If you seeded the database you can login into a test account with admin
& password