Implementation of "Combining weakly and strongly supervised learning improves strong supervision in Gleason pattern classification"
If you find this code useful, consider citing the accompanying article: Sebastian Otálora, Niccolò Marini, Manfredo Atzori, and Henning Müller, et al. "Combining weakly and strongly supervised learning improves strong supervision in Gleason pattern classification"
Python==3.6.9, tensorflow==1.14.0, numpy==1.17.3, opencv==4.2.0, pandas==0.25.2, pillow==6.1.0, keras==2.2.4, staintools==2.1.2
Two datasets are used for the experiments:
The lists of images used (split in training, validation, testing partitions) are in:
It inclused the csv files. The csv files MUST BE in this format: filename, label.
It includes the scripts to test fully-supervised, weakly-supervised, finetuning models at patch level (TMAZ), core level (TMAZ) and at whole slide image level (TCGA-PRAD).
It includes the scripts to train fully-supervised, weakly-supervised, finetuning models.
It includes scripts used to extract patches from TMAs/WSIs and scrits to generate the csvs.
The repository includes the scripts for training the models (training_scripts), for testing the models (inference scripts) and for the preprocessing/generation of the csv files (utils).
- -n -p. The script is used to train the model with fully-supervision.
- -n: number of experiment
- -p: percentage of data to use (20,40,60,80,100).
- -n The script is used to train the model with weakly-supervision.
- -n: number of experiment.
- -n -p. The script is used to finetune the model (pre-trained with fully-supervision) with weakly-annotated data.
- -n: number of experiment
- -p: percentage of data used to pre-train (20,40,60,80,100).
- -n -e -p. The script is used to test the models at patch-level (TMAZ).
- -e: method of train (options: fully/weak/finetune).
- -n: number of experiment to test.
- -p: percentage of data used to pre-train (20,40,60,80,100).
- -n -e -p. The script is used to test the models at core-level (TMAZ).
- -e: method of train (options: fully/weak/finetune).
- -n: number of experiment to test.
- -p: percentage of data used to pre-train (20,40,60,80,100).
- -n -e -p. The script is used to test the models at WSI-level (TCGA-PRAD).
- -e: method of train (options: fully/weak/finetune).
- -n: number of experiment to test.
- -p: percentage of data used to pre-train (20,40,60,80,100).
- -d -s -n -t -p. Script to extract the patches from the TMAZ dataset (using pixel-wise annotated masks).
- -d: dataset where extract patches (train/valid/test).
- -s: size of the tiles to extract (before the resize to 224x224).
- -n: number of patches to extract.
- -t: number of threads.
- -p: minimum percentage of tissue in a tile to be accepted.
- -d -s -t -p. Script to extract the patches from the TCGA-PRAD dataset (using masks generated by HistoQC).
- -d: dataset where extract patches (train/valid/test).
- -s: size of the tiles to extract (before the resize to 224x224).
- -t: number of threads.
- -p: minimum percentage of tissue in a tile to be accepted.
- -n. Script to create the subset with percentage of data.
- -n: number of experimet.
- -d. Script to create the csv file with weakly-annotated data.
- -d: partition (train/valid/test)
If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite:
[1] Otálora, S., Marini, N., Müller, H., & Atzori, M. (2021). Combining weakly and strongly supervised learning improves strong supervision in Gleason pattern classification. BMC Medical Imaging, 21(1), 1-14.
Paper link:
This project has received funding from the EuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agree-ment No. 825292 ExaMode. Infrastructure fromthe SURFsara HPC center was used to train the CNN models in parallel. Otálora thanks Minciencias through the call 756 for PhD studies.