Bitton is a facetted browser that works over SPARQL stores. As supplied it is configured for navigating research information, however it is reasonably flexible and could be reused for other data.
Bitton speaks SPARQL 1.1 over HTTP, so you need a SPARQL server. We also provide some example data to get you started.
Here we'll use fuseki. Unzip fuseki in the bitton directory:
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
$ cd Fuseki-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
Load data:
$ java -cp fuseki-sys.jar tdb.tdbloader --loc DB ../example_data.nq
And finally start the server:
$ ./fuseki-server --loc DB /research
Move to bitton directory and compile it, then move to the web app directory:
$ mvn install
$ cd facets-spring3-freemarker
Edit the
file and ensure it's pointing at your SPARQL endpoint (for local fuseki it should be correct).
$ vi src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/
Finally run it:
$ mvn jetty:run
Visit the server (username: bob
, password: bobspassword
) and explore.