NEW: A brand new website HQ for our team
🎯 How to get started | First time contributors:
1. Fork the repository (this will save a particular repo to your own profile)
2. Clone the repository (this will download that particular repo to your computer and you'll have to pick where to 'save' it all)
3. Open the repository folder in Visual Studio Code (or an IDE of your choice)
🎯 How to get started | Ticket Management:
1. Create a new branch and name it after your Jira ticket number and ticket title
example: git checkout -b 'DEV-XXX-ticket-title'
2. Start writing your code and once you're ready commit your changes and push to 'dev' branch
example: git push origin 'dev'
PLEASE NOTE: We use 'dev' branch as our 'staging enviroment'. Our 'main' branch is reserved and we don't pull/push there.
🎯 Repeated contributions | Extra Help
1. You'll have to change from your previous branch back into our 'dev' branch (git checkout 'dev')
2. After you changed back to 'dev' branch, you'll have to get all updates that branch had since last time you visited
example: git pull origin 'dev
3. Now when you've got your 'dev' branch updated, you can go ahead and create yourself a new branch
example: git checkout -b 'DEV-XXX-ticket-title'
4. Once you're done writing your changes, you'll have to commit and push your changes to 'dev' branch
example: git pull origin 'dev
PLEASE NOTE: We use 'dev' branch as our 'staging enviroment'. Our 'main' branch is reserved and we don't pull/push there.