###Author: Ian Maffett
This plugin helps you create a google maps object on your page. You can include the google maps script tag, or we can create it asyncronously.
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script>
To use this, call .gmaps on an App Framework collection and pass in options from the google maps API. If you have not included the google maps script tag from above, we will add it for you. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/
#Retreiving the Google maps object
To get a google maps object that you can interact with, call the gmaps function with no parameters. You must create the map before hand.
var myMap=$("#maps").gmaps();
#Triggering a resize command
To trigger a resize command
#Using in App Framework UI
If you are using this in UI, you need to trigger a resize when the panel is loaded.
<div id="maps" title="Maps" class="panel" data-load="resizeMap">
function resizeMap(){
Please use github to report any bugs found. Please provide the following
Any error messages from the console
Line numbers of offending code
Test cases
Description of the Error
Expected result
Browser/Device you are testing on
This plugin is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included license.txt file.