A complete web application that allows anyone to search, view and book ticket for any events. This application fetches a wide range of events from Ticket master API and has events across various categories like Music, Films, Sports and Arts & Theatre. The application allows users to sign up and book tickets for any event seamlessly and with a great user experience.
- This web application allows user to sign up/login. Error handling has been done for the login/register use case. Incorrect username/password won't allow the user to login.
- The application also allows user to login using facebook & google. User also has the privilege to request a new password if he/she forgets it.
- On successful registration, email is sent to the registered email address of the user.
- User can view top three events based on his/her location, can view all events, search for events, filter events by name, location, category, price and date, sort events by name, location and date, view details of a single event, add to cart, select package and quantity of seats and book ticket.
- User can also download a pdf copy of his/her ticket and can view order history.
- Users can add coupons while making final payment.
- Application allows admin user to download a csv report of all the active users. Admin performs CRUD operation to add/read/update & delete coupon codes.
- CRUD Operations performed by admin on deals
- CRUD Operations performed by user on cart
- Login, Logout, Registration, Reset Password, Google+ sign in, Facebook Sign in using Passport JS
- Authentication/Authorisation using passport js
- Performed search, sorting, filtering & pagination on the list of events
- Detailed view of every event
- View top three events based on location
- Update(Allow or Block) user's location using geolocation
- Displayed count down timer for top three upcoming events
- View events based on category
- Sent mail upon successful registration and forget password using nodemailer
- Fetched events from ticket master API
- Marked event location on Maps using Angular2-google maps
- Upon successful booking of order, users can download pdf copy of their ticket
- Admin can view and download list of active users
- Display dates and time based on time zone of a particular location using moment js
- You need to have angular cli, node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once installed, you can check the versions using the below commands
node -v
npm -v
Links for reference:
- Clone the project from GitHub Repository and Install all the necessary packages
git clone https://github.com/neu-mis-info6150-spring-2018/final-project-techcratofficial.git
cd final-project-techcratofficial
npm install
- Start node.js server
node server.js
- Start angular server
ng serve
Start Mongo server
- In one shell run
- In another shell run
- In one shell run
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4200/
- Node.js
- Angular 4
- Mongo DB
- Express JS
- Ticketmaster API
- Moment JS
- Passport JS
- Google maps API
Application deployed on: https://t-kithub.herokuapp.com/