A simple responsive webapp to display tweets with one or more hashtags
- This web application allows user to enter multiple space separated hashtags as an input
- The user can specify the number of tweets to display
- The user can sort the tweets based on date, retweets count and favorites count
- You need to have node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once installed, you can check the versions using the below commands
node -v
npm -v
Links for reference:
- Clone the project from GitHub Repository and Install all the necessary packages
git clone https://github.com/imar26/twitter-webapp.git
cd twitter-webapp
npm install
- Start node.js server
nodemon index.js
- Start react server
npm start
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
- Node.js
- React JS
- Express JS
- Twitter API
Application deployed on: https://twitter-webapp.herokuapp.com/