- 🏫 CDUT - BSc in Environmental Science and Engineering, 6/2021 - 7/2025 .
- 👨🎓 Member of HJLab, 12/2022 - 06/2024 .
- 🧬 Shell / Python / R / Bioinformatics / NGS-analysis / Linux player .
- 💻 Arch and GNU Cultist, first thing in the morning is 'yay -Syyu' .
- 📗 Blogger of the WeChat official account 猫四叔 .
- 🎮 Player for RSS / Basketball / Machines at War 3 / VALORANT / Minecraft .
- 📫 Welcome to yuanj.top or Email me at: [email protected] .
- 2024 Summary / 2025-01-01
- 单细胞转录组图谱揭示拟南芥愈伤组织诱导过程中早期细胞命运转变轨迹 / 2024-09-07
- Bionanoaccess 安装 / 2024-09-02
- 拟南芥根部的单细胞分辨率调控景观 / 2024-08-30
- Arch 下的应用方案 / 2024-08-22
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