This repository contains a variety of scripts to start the whole Project "in.RET-Ensys".
First of all clone this repository in a local directory. After this you will find a bash-script "" which clones all other dependable repositories automatically.
Another softwarepackage which you will need to install is Docker and Docker Compose. Installationguides for this are widly available on the internet.
Last steps before you can start the package.
This package is actual optimised for the use with the Gurobi-Solver.
Navigate to the folder "inretensys-fastapi" and open the file ".env". There are 2 pathes given, one to point at your local license file from gurobi and a second to specify your local storage directory.
The next step is to customize the docker-compose.yml. The Service "fastapi" has a volume pointed to "<local_storage_dir>:/app/working" which must be set to the variable from above, "LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR".
Navigate to the root folder of this repository and start the software with the command
docker compose up
To stop all services use
docker compose down
As simple as possible. Execute the "" script on your linux machine and all repositories will be updated.
Attention: If you locally changed some files, which are not configuration files DO NOT commit any changes!