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wjbs committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent 4d36384 commit 2c4ce80
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Showing 15 changed files with 741 additions and 4,398 deletions.
294 changes: 266 additions & 28 deletions ViCaR/CategoryAutomation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ Ltac fold_Category cC :=
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let cidx := eval cbn in (cid x') in
pose (eq_refl : cidx = cC.(c_identity) x') as H;
erewrite H; clear x H));
erewrite H in *; clear x H));
let eqbase := base_fn @c_equiv in
let eqcat := catify @c_equiv in
change eqbase with eqcat; (* I think this is a no-op *)
change eqbase with eqcat in *; (* I think this is a no-op *)
repeat (progress match goal with
|- eqbase ?A ?B ?f ?g
=> change (eqbase A B f g) with (eqcat A B f g)
=> change (eqbase A B f g) with (eqcat A B f g) in *
try let H' := fresh in
enough (H':(@c_equiv _ _ _ _ _ _)) by (eapply H')
Expand All @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Ltac fold_MonoidalCategory mC :=
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f) in
change base with f in *) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
Expand All @@ -102,26 +102,26 @@ Ltac fold_MonoidalCategory mC :=
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in * ) in
let tens_obj := base_fn (@obj_tensor C cC mC) in
change tens_obj with mC.(obj_tensor);
change tens_obj with (@obj_tensor C cC mC) in *;
let tens_mor := base_fn (@mor_tensor C cC mC) in
change tens_mor with mC.(mor_tensor);
mcat_fold @I;
change tens_mor with (@mor_tensor C cC mC) in *;
mcat_fold @mon_I;
let lunit := mbase_fn @left_unitor in
repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let lunitx := eval cbn in ((lunit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : lunitx = (mC.(left_unitor) x').(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H);
erewrite H in *; clear x H);
let runit := mbase_fn @right_unitor in
repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let runitx := eval cbn in ((runit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : runitx = (mC.(right_unitor) x').(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H)
erewrite H in *; clear x H)

Ltac fold_all_monoidal_categories :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,26 +161,46 @@ Ltac fold_BraidedMonoidalCategory bC :=
let catted := bcatify @f in
change base with catted in * ) in
let braid := bbase_fn @braiding in
let braidbase := constr:(ltac:(first [exact (ltac:(eval unfold braid in braid)) | exact braid])) in
let braidforw := eval cbn in
(fun A B => (braidbase.(component_biiso) A B).(forward)) in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidforwxy := eval cbn in (braidforw x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidforwxy =
(bC.(braiding).(component_biiso) x' y').(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H);
change braid with (@braiding C cC mC bC);
let braidbase := constr:(
ltac:(first [exact (ltac:(eval unfold braid in braid))
| exact braid])) in

let braidrev := eval cbn in
(fun A B => (braidbase.(component_biiso) A B).(reverse)) in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidrevxy := eval cbn in (braidrev x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidrevxy =
(bC.(braiding).(component_biiso) x' y').(reverse)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H)
let braidforw := eval simpl in
(fun A B => (braidbase A B).(forward)) in
first [
progress (
match braidforw with
| fun n m => ?f n m =>
change (f ?k ?l) with ((bC.(braiding) k l).(forward))
| repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidforwxy := eval simpl in (braidforw x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidforwxy =
(bC.(braiding) x' y').(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H)

let braidrev := eval simpl in
(fun A B => (braidbase A B).(reverse)) in
first [
progress (
match braidrev with
| fun n m => ?f n m =>
change (f ?k ?l) with ((bC.(braiding) k l).(reverse))
| repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidrevxy := eval simpl in (braidrev x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidrevxy =
(bC.(braiding) x' y').(reverse)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H)

Ltac fold_all_braided_monoidal_categories :=
Expand All @@ -196,6 +216,194 @@ Ltac to_Cat :=

Ltac fold_Category_in cC H :=
match type of cC with Category ?C =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let base_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
try cat_fold @morphism;
cat_fold @compose;
cat_fold @c_identity;
let cid := base_fn @c_identity in
(repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let cidx := eval cbn in (cid x') in
pose (eq_refl : cidx = cC.(c_identity) x') as H;
erewrite H in *; clear x H));
let eqbase := base_fn @c_equiv in
let eqcat := catify @c_equiv in
change eqbase with eqcat in H; (* I think this is a no-op *)
repeat (progress match goal with
|- eqbase ?A ?B ?f ?g
=> change (eqbase A B f g) with (eqcat A B f g) in H
try let H' := fresh in
enough (H':(@c_equiv _ _ _ _ _ _)) by (eapply H')

Ltac fold_all_categories_in H :=
saturate_instances Category;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?cC : Category ?C |- _ => (* idtac x ":=" cC ": Category" C ; *)
fold_Category_in cC H; subst x
(* | x : Category ?C |- _ => idtac x; fold_Category x; subst x *)

Ltac fold_MonoidalCategory_in mC H :=
match type of mC with @MonoidalCategory ?C ?cC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let mcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let mbase_fn f := (let raw := mcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f in H) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
let mcat_fold f :=
(let base := mbase_fn @f in
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
let tens_obj := base_fn (@obj_tensor C cC mC) in
change tens_obj with (@obj_tensor C cC mC) in H;
let tens_mor := base_fn (@mor_tensor C cC mC) in
change tens_mor with (@mor_tensor C cC mC) in H;
mcat_fold @mon_I;
let lunit := mbase_fn @left_unitor in
repeat progress (
let Hx := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let lunitx := eval cbn in ((lunit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : lunitx = (mC.(left_unitor) x').(forward)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x Hx);
repeat progress (
let Hx := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let lunitx := eval cbn in ((lunit x').(reverse)) in
pose (eq_refl : lunitx = (mC.(left_unitor) x').(reverse)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x Hx);
let runit := mbase_fn @right_unitor in
repeat progress (
let Hx := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let runitx := eval cbn in ((runit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : runitx = (mC.(right_unitor) x').(forward)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x Hx);
repeat progress (
let Hx := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let runitx := eval cbn in ((runit x').(reverse)) in
pose (eq_refl : runitx = (mC.(right_unitor) x').(reverse)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x Hx)

Ltac fold_all_monoidal_categories_in H :=
saturate_instances MonoidalCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?mC : MonoidalCategory ?C |- _ => (* idtac x ":=" cC ": Category" C ; *)
fold_MonoidalCategory_in mC H; subst x
(* | x : Category ?C |- _ => idtac x; fold_Category x; subst x *)

Ltac fold_BraidedMonoidalCategory_in bC H :=
match type of bC with @BraidedMonoidalCategory ?C ?cC ?mC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let mcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC) in
let bcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC bC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let mbase_fn f := (let raw := mcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let bbase_fn f := (let raw := bcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f in H) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
let mcat_fold f :=
(let base := mbase_fn @f in
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
let bcat_fold f :=
(let base := bbase_fn @f in
let catted := bcatify @f in
change base with catted in H) in
let braid := bbase_fn @braiding in
change braid with (@braiding C cC mC bC);
let braidbase := constr:(
ltac:(first [exact (ltac:(eval unfold braid in braid))
| exact braid])) in

let braidforw := eval simpl in
(fun A B => (braidbase A B).(forward)) in
first [
progress (
match braidforw with
| fun n m => ?f n m =>
change (f ?k ?l) with ((bC.(braiding) k l).(forward)) in H
| repeat progress (let Hx := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidforwxy := eval simpl in (braidforw x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidforwxy =
(bC.(braiding) x' y').(forward)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x y Hx)

let braidrev := eval simpl in
(fun A B => (braidbase A B).(reverse)) in
first [
progress (
match braidrev with
| fun n m => ?f n m =>
change (f ?k ?l) with ((bC.(braiding) k l).(reverse)) in H
| repeat progress (let Hx := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidrevxy := eval simpl in (braidrev x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidrevxy =
(bC.(braiding) x' y').(reverse)) as Hx;
erewrite Hx in H; clear x y Hx)

Ltac fold_all_braided_monoidal_categories_in H :=
saturate_instances BraidedMonoidalCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?bC : BraidedMonoidalCategory ?C |- _ =>
fold_BraidedMonoidalCategory_in bC H; subst x

Ltac to_Cat_in H :=
fold_all_categories_in H; fold_all_monoidal_categories_in H;
fold_all_braided_monoidal_categories_in H.

(* Section on Fenceposting *)

Ltac tensor_free f :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1761,6 +1969,36 @@ Tactic Notation "partners_rw" open_constr(lem) :=
| partners_rw lem within RHS ]

Tactic Notation "partners_rw_to_Cat" open_constr(lem) "within" constr(term) :=
let e := fresh in let e' := fresh in
epose proof @lem as e;
to_Cat_in e;
repeat (rename e into e'; epose proof (e' _) as e; clear e');
match type of e with
| (?g ≃ _)%Cat =>
let rg := right_associate_term g in
let n := __count_comp_terms rg in
n_partner_in_term rg n term;
let lg := left_associate_term g in
tryif unify g lg then idtac else (
let H := fresh in
assert (H : (g ≃ lg)%Cat) by (show_equiv_left_associate_term g);
try setoid_rewrite H in e;
clear H);
setoid_rewrite e;
clear e

Tactic Notation "partners_rw_to_Cat" open_constr(lem) :=
match goal with
|- (?LHS ≃ ?RHS)%Cat =>
first [
partners_rw_to_Cat lem within LHS
| partners_rw_to_Cat lem within RHS ]

Section Testing.
Local Open Scope Cat_scope.
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions ViCaR/CategoryAutomationCompatibility.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Require CategoryAutomation.
Export -(notations) CategoryAutomation.

Require Export CategoryAltNotations.

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