A collection of common components and pieces that you can add to your Flutter project.
Look Handle app styling
Theme extension Handle app styling with built in theme extensions
Device Permissions Handle device permissions
Loggy for Crashlytics Loggy addition that logs to crashlytics.
Actions utilities for communicating between provider and ui.
Init Provider Hook
hook that gives callback to initialize providers -
Request Provider Handle API request states
Provider Keep Alive Hook
hook that ensures provider is not disposed as long as the hook is in the widget tree -
Disposable Listener Widget for easier stream listening. Useful when controlling navigation and dialogs from provider
Generic Error widget Widget that shows errors to the user. Even the unexpected ones.
Loggy for Crashlytics Loggy addition that logs to crashlytics.
ThemeSvgPicture Widget that will color the svg in theme colors.
Like some other collections this repo is designed to contain multiple flutter projects (one project per sample).
- Go to the root of the project and create new directory
- Add README.md and descibe the snippet. Also add link to this README.
- Go to the root of the project and create new sample by creating new flutter project
flutter create my_new_flutter_bit
- Write the code inside that project and keep in mind that purpose of that code is to be read by others, so keep it nice and clean.
- Write the README inside your project and explain in short what is it and how everything works. Include the video or screenshot if the feature can be visually represented.
- Reduce your dependencies to minimum. List them all in README and explain why are they needed.
- Go to the root project README and modify it to include your sample.
- Open up a Pull Request.