Simple snippet manager
Is a cataloguer and organizer of source code, which allows store your snippets to access them when needed.
Their slogan is: "write it once, find it forever."
You can search by title, tags, language, contens, description, date and author.
Some examples:
Search all python language snippets with tag date and time:
l=python,g=date and time
Search all snippets that contain the word import
Search all snippets of language C with the title 'string' and the tags trim or split
l=c,t=string,g=trim or split
List of possible search criteria:
- t= title
- l=language
- g= tags
- c= contens
- d= description
- n= creation date
- m= modified date
- u= author/uploader
- s= starred. Value 1 for true.
- Python 2.7
- PyQt 4.7
- SQLite
# install dependencies with this script
$ sh
# or manually
$ apt-get install python-qt4 python-qscintilla2 python-qt4-dbus
# and run it
$ python
Copyright 2012 Informática MEG
Released under the GPL License.