An online implementation of a board game published in Dagbladet Information on May 31st 2014.
We have implemented one minor rule change compared to the print version: To get out of solitary confinement, you will need to roll 5 or 6 using a single dice instead of getting at least one 6 from a roll of three dice (they have similar probabilities).
- 0-49 Regular fields on the board.
- 50-51 Special fields: Solitary confinement and infirmary, respectively.
- 52-54 Destiny fields.
- move Move the player forward or backward after displaying a message.
- wait Make the player wait for one or more turns before she is able to roll the dice again.
- special Move the player to one of the special fields on the board.
- Idea, rules, and words: Kristian Villesen and Sebastian Abrahamsen
- Illustration: Mia Mottelson
- Code: Morten Wulff