Execute the following commands from the pdk root folder:
# find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 dos2unix
# patch -p2 < <PATH TO REPO>/<PATCH NAME>.patch
Install the board running the script:
# ./install_board.sh <PATH TO PDK>
Open a new terminal and run the pdksetupenv script. The script provided for TI, pdksetupenv, assumes that SDK install path is home. If it is different from that, this the setupenv script needs to be adapted. Build the PDK, recommended command:
# make clean && make -k all
Install patch dependence
Download and install PDK to default directory ( C:\ti )
Copy next files to PDK directory:
- src\common\cocoV1\am335x_coco.c -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_coco.c
- src\common\cocoV1\am335x_coco.h -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_coco.h
- src\common\cocoV1\am335x_coco_pinmux_data.c -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_coco_pinmux_data.c
- src\common\cocoV2\am335x_cocov2.c -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_cocov2.c
- src\common\cocoV2\am335x_cocov2.h -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_cocov2.h
- src\common\cocoV2\am335x_cocov2_pinmux_data.c -> \packages\ti\starterware\board\am335x\am335x_cocov2_pinmux_data.c
- src\common\cocoV1\sorte_cocoam335x_app.cfg -> \packages\ti\drv\pruss\example\apps\sorte\src\sorte_cocoam335x_app.cfg
- src\common\cocoV2\sorte_cocoV2am335x_app.cfg -> \packages\ti\drv\pruss\example\apps\sorte\src\sorte_cocoV2am335x_app.cfg
- src\common\cocoV1\cocoAM335 -> (copy the entire folder) \packages\ti\board\src\cocoAM335x
- src\common\cocoV2\cocoV2AM335 -> (copy the entire folder) \packages\ti\board\src\cocoV2AM335x
Open a windows command prompt with permission to modify pdk installed folder (admin user), and move to pdk path folder, and run next command:
# <PATH TO PATCH UTILITY>\patch.exe -p2 < <PATH TO REPO>/<PDK VERSION>_coco_board.patch
# cd C:\ti\pdk_am335x_1_0_12\ # "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\patch.exe" -p2 < C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\coco-bsp\pdk_am335x_1_0_12_coco_board.patch
Rebuild the pdk:
# cd C:\ti\pdk_am335x_1.0.12\packages && pdksetupenv.bat && gmake clean && gmake -j8
Run command:
# make clean
# find ./pdk_am335x_1_0_8/packages/ \( -name "*.mk" -o -name "*.bld" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.make" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.bat" -o -name "*.sh" -o -name "*makefile" \) -exec diff -Nau {} <PATH TO MODIFIED PDK>/{} \; > <PATH TO COCO BOARD REPO>/coco_board.patch