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Supersede original ss-specs

Closed Mar 19, 2016 100% complete

This milestone marks the original ss-specs file of TSSHP obsolete. This has been reached when all (PC-releases) related information in TSSHP about the System Shock data files has been ported to this project.

Information must be present either in the .md files, or, in case of pending uncertainties, as corresponding comments in open issues.

To repeat: Simpl…

This milestone marks the original ss-specs file of TSSHP obsolete. This has been reached when all (PC-releases) related information in TSSHP about the System Shock data files has been ported to this project.

Information must be present either in the .md files, or, in case of pending uncertainties, as corresponding comments in open issues.

To repeat: Simply copying the text is not desired; As stated in the conventions as well as the readme, information may only be put into the documentation if it has been verified.
