This repository contains the source code for the frontend and backend of the Morpheus application.
add the following entries to your /etc/hosts
- identity.inowas.localhost
- rabbitmq.inowas.localhost
To prepare local environment run:
make install-local
In case you want to reset the environment, you can run the following command. This will delete all docker containers, volumes and images and all file ignored by git.
make reset-local
You can then create a fresh local environment by running the make install-local
To start a local environment that runs backend and frontend in production mode without https run:
make start-local
To stop the local environment run:
make stop-local
When the local environment is running you can run backend cli commands with
make run-backend-cli-command-in-local-environment
You can see how to run a development environment with debugging for the backend in the backend README.
The frontend is a React application written in TypeScript and
can be found in the src/frontend
More information about the frontend can be found in the frontend README.
The backend is a application written in Python 3 and can be found in the src/backend
More information about the backend can be found in the backend README.
A mailcatcher can be found at http://mailcatcher.inowas.localhost. All mail can be viewed there.
A keycloak server runs at http://identity.inowas.localhost. It has a preconfigured dev realm "inowas" with the client "morpheus-frontend" and a user "[email protected]" with the password "dev". The default dev user for the admin console is:
- username:
- password:
The dev realm can be updated in the local dev environment and then exported with make export-keycloak-dev-realm
to be
committed to the repository.
Two users are available in the dev realm:
Morpheus admin user:
- username:
[email protected]
- password:
Normal morpheus user:
- username:
[email protected]
- password:
To develop the full stack application locally you can run the following commands:
cd src/backend
make install-dev
make start-dev
cd src/frontend
make start-morpheus-integration-local
cd src/backend
make run-flask-app