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⚠️ This is totally Work In Progress. Please ignore ⚠️ An opinionated toolkit for setting up projects. Inspired (and plugged a lot) from react-scripts and kcd-scripts


  • How to include scripts? start (node dist/index.js), dev, build (tsc -p . set NODE_ENV), test (jest should detect ci and generate coverage, set BABEL_ENV and NODE_ENV)
  • Document the existing configs
  • How to update package.json with the right scripts? mrm? roll your own?
  • Add plop?
  • Add modules in the root so we don't have to link to @inpyjamas/scripts/dist/config/eslint/typescript just @inpyjamas/scripts/eslint-typescript or one module that exports all the configs {eslint-ts:{…}}
  • Scaffold configs for, prettier, lint-staged, jest, husky, .eslintignore or This should be done by yo generator!


Add it to an existing project

npm install @inpyjamas/scripts --save-dev --save-exact

Init a new project.⚠️ Not yet implemented ⚠️ Most of the templates use @inpyjamas/scripts in one way or another

npm install --global yo
npm install --global @inpyjamas/generator-defaults
yo @inpyjamas/defaults


Included configs

Extending configs

You can import any config and extend it.

// this is jest.config.js
const config = require("@inpyjamas/scripts/jest");
module.exports = config;

The package contains a merge utility for merging more complex scenarios.

// this is jest.config.js
const config = require("@inpyjamas/scripts/jest");
const { merge } = require("@inpyjamas/scripts/utilities");

const localConfig = {
  testEnvironment: "jsdom",
  coverageThreshold: {
    global: {
      branches: 75,
      functions: 75,
      lines: 75,
      statements: 75,
module.exports = merge(config, localConfig);


  • npm version v0.1.x-alpha
  • git push --tags
  • gh release create