— independent online courses database with ratings, reviews and
personal course information.
v. 0.1.0, not released yet
You can make a difference by contributing to this project and spreading the word.
Developer — follow the Setup guide and send us your pull-requests.
Not developer — welcome to share your ideas and thoughts on [email protected]
Any commercial use of the code or any part of it aside of the website should be
explicitely approved by the founders Michael Butlitsky (@aristofun) and Vadim Venediktov (@installero).
A bunch of things to implement for the release, before talking roadmaps:
Invisible recaptcha on signup & adding new course - Fetch course info using course URL from popular providers
- Complete course CRUD
- Complete Review CRUD
- Review Lists in user profile, in index page, on the course page
- Course Lists by genre, in user profile ("courses he had taken") with sorting by date, by rating
- Add autocontent generator to dev using Faker gem
- Create privacy policy page to enable Facebook log in (in dev mode now)
- Restrict users to update their own profile only (every one can update anybody's profile now)
- Index page filled with recently added courses and reviews
- Log in using Google, Github
- Show users' ratings on course page, course partial etc.
- customize devise form messages howto
- Personal course notes feature (MD private richtext area)
Configure email notifications (to confirm users, for example) -
Log in using Facebook -
Default user avatars - Favicon
This is Rails 5, ruby 2.4.1, Postgres 9.6, Capistrano 3, nginx-passenger web application living at Master branch is deployed by product owners (@installero, @aristofun) on a regular basis.
- Install and setup Postgres 9.6 locally.
- Ruby 2.4.1 using RBENV/RVM is recommended.
Set up your local Postgres DB. Beware of collation and ctype, we use UTF8 and en_US.UTF-8
For example:
> psql
CREATE DATABASE db_name_for_dev WITH LC_COLLATE='en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8' ENCODING=UTF8 OWNER=username_for_allcourses;
CREATE DATABASE db_name_for_test WITH LC_COLLATE='en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8' ENCODING=UTF8 OWNER=username_for_allcourses;
Check connection:
psql -h localhost -U <username_for_allcourses> -W <db_name_for_(dev|test)>
- Download the code (fork/clone repo)
bundle install
bundle exec rails db:migrate
- Configure your copy of
according to your Postgres configuration - Configure your copy of
according to secrets.example.yml
Now you can run it locally bundle exec rails s
Specs bundle exec rspec
This chapter to be erased after release
- App created
rails new allcourses -T --skip-spring --skip-turbolinks
- pushed to bitbucket
- added bootstrap 4:
- added rspec:
- added guard:
- Provider + Course models added
- DB setup CREATE USER allcourses WITH PASSWORD '*' CREATEDB REPLICATION CONNECTION LIMIT 10; rails db:create rails db:migrate rails db:test:prepare
- Add devise User rails g devise:install rails db:migrate rails g devise User rails db:migrate rails g devise:views:bootstrapped (
- Add letter_opener
- Provider validations & specs (+ shoulda matcher)
- Course validations
- Add Review model
- Add CommonMarker to Review
- Add carrierwave picture to Course