@instill-ai/toolkit: v0.73.1
0.73.1 (2023-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- auto-gen-form: fix auto-gen-form not correctly handle zod validation for condition fields (#681) (3f479c1)
- auto-gen-form: fix end component didn't correctly handle the key naming rule (#682) (628ab92)
- auto-gen-form: fix end component not picking the title as title in test mode (#680) (0e8c292)
- pipeline-builder: Fix start component not throw error when user input the incorrect key (#684) (ac9f8c4)
- pipeline-builder: fix validate component ID's regex (#685) (e31d364)
- smart-hint: Fix smart hint wrongly hint user to use the same component's output (#683) (79ccf38)