New feature
A new BigDL document website online , which replace the original BigDL wiki
Added New Models & Layers
TreeLSTM and examples for sentiment analytics
convLSTM layer
1D convolution layer
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) metrics
TimeDistributed Layer
VolumetricConvolution(3D convolution)
RoiPooling layer
DiceCoefficient loss
bi-recurrent layers
API change
Allow user to set regularization per layer
Allow user to set learning rate per layer
Add predictClass API for python
Add DLEstimator for Spark ML pipeline
Add Functional API for model definition
Add movie length dataset API
Add 4d normalize support
Add evaluator API to simplify model test
Install & Deploy
Allow user to install BigDL from pip
Support win64 platform
A new script to auto pack/distribute python dependency on yarn cluster mode
Model Save/Load
Allow user to save BigDL model as Caffe model file
Allow user to load/save some Tensorflow model(cover tensorflow slim APIs)
Support save/load model file from/to s3/hdfs
Add plateau learning rate schedule
Allow user to adjust optimization process based on loss and score
Add Exponential learning rate decay
Add natural exp decay learning rate schedule
Add multistep learning rate policy
Optimization method API refactor
Allow user to load a Caffe model without pre-defining a BigDL model
Optimize Recurrent Layers performance
Refine the ML pipeline related API, and add more examples
Optimize JoinTable layer performance
Allow user to use nio blockmanager on Spark 1.5
Refine layer parameter initialization algorithm API
Refine Sample class to save memory usage when cache train/test dataset as tensor format
Refine MiniBatch API to support padding and multiple tensors
Remove BigDL will set MKL behavior through MKL Java API, and user can control this via Java properties
Allow user to remove Spark log in redirecting log file
Allow user create a SpatialConvultion layer without bias
Refine validation metrics API
Refine smoothL1Criterion and reduce tensor storage usage
Use reflection to handle difference of Spark2 platforms, and user need not to recompile BigDL for different Spark2 platform
Optimize FlattenTable performance
Use maven package instead of script to copy dist artifacts together
Bug Fix
Fix some error in Text-classifier document
Fix a bug when call JoinTable after clearState()
Fix a bug in Concat layer when the dimension concatenated along is larger than 2
Fix a bug in MapTable layer
Fix some multi-thread error not catch issue
Fix maven artifact dependency issue
Fix model save method won’t close the stream issue
Fix a bug in BCECriterion
Fix some ConcatTable don’t clear gradInput buffer
Fix SpatialDilatedConvolution not clear gradInput content
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