BigDL release 0.9.0
Continue VNNI acceleration support, we add optimization for more CNN models including object detection models, enhance model scales generation support for VNNI.
Add attention based model support, we add Transformer implementation for both lanuage model and translation model.
RNN optimization, We support LSTM integration with MKL-DNN which acheives ~3x performance speedup.
- [New Feature] Add attention layer support
- [New Feature] Add FeedForwardNetwork layer support
- [New Feature] Add ExpandSize layer support
- [New Feature] Add TableOperation layer to support table calculation with different input sizes
- [New Feature] Add LayerNormalizaiton layer support
- [New Feature] Add Transformer support for both language and translation models
- [New Feature] Add beam search support in Transformer model
- [New Feature] Add Layer-wise adaptve rate scaling optim method
- [New Feature] Add LSTM integration with MKL-DNN support
- [New Feature] Add dilated convolution integration with MKL-DNN support
- [New Feature] Add parameter process for LarsSGD optim method
- [New Feature] Support Affinity binding option with mkl-dnn
- [Enhancement] Document enhancement for configuration and build
- [Enhancement] Reflection enhancement to get default values for constructor parameters
- [Enhhancement] User one AllReducemParameter for multi-optim method training
- [Enhancement] CAddTable layer enhancement to support input expansion along specific dimension
- [Enhancement] Resnet-50 preprocessing pipeline enhancement to replace RandomCropper with CenterCropper
- [Enhancement] Calculate model scales for arbitrary mask
- [Enhancment] Enable global average pooling
- [Enhancement] Check input shape and underlying MKL-DNN layout consistency
- [Enhancement] Threadpool enhancement to throw proper exception at executor runtime
- [Enhancement] Support mkl-dnn format conversion from ntc to tnc
- [Bug Fix] Fix backward graph generation topology ordering issue
- [Bug Fix] Fix MemoryData hash code calculation
- [Bug Fix] Fix log output for BCECriterion
- [Bug Fix] Fix setting mask for container quantization
- [Bug Fix] Fix validation accuracy issue when multi-executor running with the same worker
- [Bug Fix] Fix INT8 layer fusion between conlution with multi-group masks and BatchNormalization
- [Bug Fix] Fix JoinTable scales generation issue
- [Bug Fix] Fix CMul forward issue with special input format
- [Bug Fix] Fix weights change issue after model fusion issue
- [Bug Fix] Fix SpatinalConvolution primitives initializaiton issue