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Enable more tests #4015

Enable more tests

Enable more tests #4015

# name: SYCL Post Commit
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - sycl
# - sycl-devops-pr/**
# - sycl-rel-**
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - sycl
# - sycl-devops-pr/**
# paths:
# - .github/workflows/sycl-post-commit.yml
# - .github/workflows/sycl-linux-build.yml
# - .github/workflows/sycl-linux-run-tests.yml
# - .github/workflows/sycl-macos-build-and-test.yml
# - ./devops/actions/cleanup
# - ./devops/actions/cached_checkout
# concurrency:
# # Cancel a currently running workflow from the same PR or commit hash.
# group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# permissions: read-all
# jobs:
# build-lin:
# name: Linux (Self build + no-assertions)
# if: github.repository == 'intel/llvm'
# uses: ./.github/workflows/sycl-linux-build.yml
# with:
# build_cache_root: "/__w/llvm"
# build_cache_suffix: default
# build_artifact_suffix: default
# build_configure_extra_args: --no-assertions --hip --cuda --native_cpu --cmake-opt="-DSYCL_ENABLE_STACK_PRINTING=ON" --cmake-opt="-DSYCL_LIB_WITH_DEBUG_SYMBOL=ON"
# merge_ref: ''
# e2e-lin:
# needs: [build-lin]
# if: ${{ always() && !cancelled() && == 'success' }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include:
# - name: Intel GEN12 Graphics with Level Zero
# runner: '["Linux", "gen12"]'
# target_devices: level_zero:gpu;opencl:fpga
# reset_intel_gpu: true
# - name: Intel Arc A-Series Graphics with Level Zero
# runner: '["Linux", "arc"]'
# extra_lit_opts: --param matrix-xmx8=True
# reset_intel_gpu: true
# - name: AMD/HIP
# runner: '["Linux", "amdgpu"]'
# image:
# image_options: -u 1001 --device=/dev/dri --device=/dev/kfd
# target_devices: hip:gpu
# reset_intel_gpu: false
# # Performance tests below. Specifics:
# # - only run performance tests (use LIT_FILTER env)
# # - ask llvm-lit to show all the output, even for PASS (-a)
# # - run in single thread (-j 1)
# # - enable the tests in LIT (--param enable-perf-tests=True)
# # - run on all available devices.
# - name: Perf tests on Intel GEN12 Graphics system
# runner: '["Linux", "gen12"]'
# env: '{"LIT_FILTER":"PerformanceTests/"}'
# extra_lit_opts: -a -j 1 --param enable-perf-tests=True
# target_devices: all
# reset_intel_gpu: true
# - name: Perf tests on Intel Arc A-Series Graphics system
# runner: '["Linux", "arc"]'
# env: '{"LIT_FILTER":"PerformanceTests/"}'
# extra_lit_opts: -a -j 1 --param enable-perf-tests=True
# target_devices: all
# reset_intel_gpu: true
# uses: ./.github/workflows/sycl-linux-run-tests.yml
# with:
# name: ${{ }}
# runner: ${{ matrix. runner }}
# image: ${{ matrix.image || '' }}
# image_options: ${{ matrix.image_options || '-u 1001 --device=/dev/dri -v /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path --privileged --cap-add SYS_ADMIN' }}
# target_devices: ${{ matrix.target_devices || 'level_zero:gpu' }}
# reset_intel_gpu: ${{ matrix.reset_intel_gpu }}
# extra_lit_opts: ${{ matrix.extra_lit_opts }}
# env: ${{ matrix.env || '{}' }}
# ref: ${{ github.sha }}
# merge_ref: ''
# sycl_toolchain_artifact: sycl_linux_default
# sycl_toolchain_archive: ${{ }}
# sycl_toolchain_decompress_command: ${{ }}
# build-win:
# if: |
# always()
# && success()
# && github.repository == 'intel/llvm'
# uses: ./.github/workflows/sycl-windows-build.yml
# with:
# compiler: icx
# build_configure_extra_args: --cmake-opt=-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="/clang:-Wno-nonportable-include-path /clang:-Wno-cast-function-type-mismatch" --cmake-opt=-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/clang:-Wno-nonportable-include-path /clang:-Wno-cast-function-type-mismatch" --cmake-opt="-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=/manifest:no" --cmake-opt="-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=/manifest:no" --cmake-opt="-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=/manifest:no"
# build_cache_suffix: icx
# e2e-win:
# needs: build-win
# # Continue if build was successful.
# if: |
# always()
# && !cancelled()
# && == 'success'
# uses: ./.github/workflows/sycl-windows-run-tests.yml
# with:
# name: Intel GEN12 Graphics with Level Zero
# runner: '["Windows","gen12"]'
# sycl_toolchain_archive: ${{ }}
# compiler: icx
# macos_default:
# name: macOS
# if: github.repository == 'intel/llvm'
# uses: ./.github/workflows/sycl-macos-build-and-test.yml