This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 18, 2019. It is now read-only.
v2.1.0 beta1 release
Special Notes
- This is 2.1 beta 1 release, only very limited tests on it.
- 27 new features are added, and 51 bugs are fixed in this release.
New Features
- VSM-66 VSM interoperates with Ceph update
- VSM-226 Need Documentation for VSM REST API
- VSM-78 Integration with Cinder capacity filter
- VSM-58 Calamari Integration
- VSM-56 Report total RBD Image commit
- VSM-32 support to define storage group with storage node or rack as unit
- VSM-376 support to label device with by-uuid
- VSM-382 undeploy/redeploy ceph cluster
- VSM-389 Need to automatically retrieve the osd info from existing cluster.
- VSM-386 batch add osds
- VSM-355 there are some used disk paths list in the data path field and journal dik path field on page 'add new osd'
- VSM-90 Monitor Status page improvements.
- VSM-96 UI responsiveness
- VSM-98 Server Configuration Change.
- VSM-341 expect to have some utilties to help make automation tests.
- VSM-352 servermgmt page autorefrush too frequent
- VSM-372 narrow the attack surface from VSM to Openstack cluster
- VSM-373 at adding new OSD page, expect to list device name like /dev/sdd1 instead of pci bus address.
- VSM-140 Ceph Development (Epic 6): Prototype Calamari/VSM dashboard implementation
- VSM-88 On monitor status page, report what server each monitor is running on.
- VSM-242 Allow user to modify ceph.conf outside VSM
- VSM-15 VSM-backup prompt info not correct
- VSM-124 [CDEK-1852] VSM | adding possibility to manipulate ceph values in cluster.manifest file
- VSM-4 Average Response Time" missing in dashboard Overview panel "VSM Status" section.
- VSM-184 add automated script to help deploy VSM on multiple nodes
- VSM-159 add issue reporting tool
- VSM-156 add sanity check tool to help identify potential issues before or after deployment
Resolved bugs
- VSM-349 click 'create cluster',I got the tip:there are some zones no monitor created
- VSM-411 When create cluster, there are four servers and choose all servers as storage node but only three as monitors, the cluster can not be created sucessfully.
- VSM-329 Remove Monitors button in Manage Servers hangs when Monitor node also has MDS daemon
- VSM-400 the UI of all server operator pages will appear "loading" without any operation
- VSM-356 I got warning info means that the number of pg in each osd is too large after upgrade ceph from a lower version to hammar
- VSM-397 mysqld takes up 100% CPU on one core and cause VSM dashboard to become unusable
- VSM-412 After remove server or remove monitor, failed to add the monitor back.
- VSM-391 the "ceph df" number is not consistent with pool quota
- VSM-399 the UI messy of the manage servers page
- VSM-402 after stop server, then start server, the osd tree changes
- VSM-392 Have removed the volume from the openstack, but from the vsm rbd status page, the rbd list still include the volume
- VSM-384 stuck at restart all ceph servers after stopped them all from UI
- VSM-394 present more than one pool to openstack cinder, it always creates volumes on a pool
- VSM-321 no upstart mechanism used for ubuntu when controlling ceph service
- VSM-336 On Dashboard, even no cluster is created, the VSM version and uptime should be displayed
- VSM-24 [CDEK-1661] VSM Dashboard | Manage Servers | Reset server status - works not correctly.
- VSM-365 Creating Cluster stucks at ceph.conf creation when running VSM on CentOS 7.1
- VSM-19 CDEK-1613] VSM | Reset Server Status button - return Error:Network error
- VSM-379 Trace back in browser when using reset server status action buttons
- VSM-381 run diamond through service instead of current process launching
- VSM-378 Performance data is retrieved from outside nodes
- VSM-374 the down server is not reflected in VSM
- VSM-375 Malformed JSON in 'Integrate Cluster' function
- VSM-366 the password for openstack access is shown as plain text
- VSM-312 vsm-node sets node status="Need more IP" if a Monitor only node does not have a cluster IP address..
- VSM-367 can't create cluster at public cloud environment
- VSM-368 The default password is not following the same password policy to include uppercase and digitals.
- VSM-369 Change password: "!" doesnt' support in password even prompt message says OK
- VSM-244 Internal server error when installing v1.1
- VSM-224 Controller node error in /var/log/httpd/error_log - constantly ongoing messages [error] <Response [200]>
- VSM-239 with automatic deployment, the execution is blocked at asking if start mysql service
- VSM-193 hard-coded cluster id
- VSM-179 keep ceph.conf up to date when executing "remove server" operations.
- VSM-176 SSL certificate password is stored in a plain text file
- VSM-177 wrong /etc/fstab entry for osd device mount point
- VSM-166 cluster_manifest sanity check program gives incorrect advice for auth_keys
- VSM-171 [CDEK1672] VSM_CLI | list shows Admin network in Public IP section
- VSM-168 [CDEK1800] VSM_CLI | remove mds - doesn't update vsm database
- VSM-121 Storage node unable to connect to controller although network is OK and all setting correct
- VSM-123 Storage node will not be able to contact controller node to install if http proxy set
- VSM-260 the check_network in server_manifest will be wrong when it has a single network card
- VSM-236 no way to check manifest correctness after editing them
- VSM-233 console blocks when running automatic installation procedure
- VSM-33 negative update time in RBD list
- VSM-216 Add storage group requires at least 3 nodes
- VSM-113 [CDEK-1835] VSM | /var/log/httpd/error_log - constantly ongoing messages [error] <Response [200]>
- VSM-51 Install Fails for VSM 0.8.0 Engineering Build Release
- VSM-29 vsm-agent process causes high i/o on os disk
- VSM-230 when presenting pool to openstack, cache tiering pools should be listed.
- VSM-207 can't assume eth0 device name
- VSM-26 [CDEK-1664] VSM | Not possible to replace node if ceph contain only 3 nodes.