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iptools-jquery-tooltip Build Status

Simple jQuery Tooltip Plugin


Simple tooltip plugin, fully customizable with CSS, animation using CSS3 transitions.


  • jQuery >=1.11.3 <4.0.0


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/iptools-jquery-tooltip.css" type="text/css">
<a class="has-tooltip" data-tooltip-text="Text to display inside Tooltip" data-tooltip-headline="A headline">Open Tooltip</a>

<script src="src/iptools-jquery-tooltip.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function() {
         // options


Name Default Type Description
bubbleArrow false boolean Append an arrow / triangle element to the tooltip
bubbleArrowClass tooltip__bubble-arrow string Class of the bubble arrow element
closeButton false boolean Add a close button
closeButtonClass tooltip__close string Class of the close button
dataAttrTooltipText data-tooltip-text string Data attribute which holds the tooltip text
dataAttrTooltipHeadline data-tooltip-headline string Data attribute which holds a tooltip headline
defaultHorizontalPosition right string right / center / left
defaultVertivalPosition top string top / bottom
delay 150 int Delay until tooltip is shown / hidden
fadeDuration 250 int Fade duration
headlineClass tooltip__headline string Class of the tooltip headline
margin 5 int Margin of the tooltip
maxWidth 300 int Maximum width of the tooltip
openOnClick false boolean Open tooltip on click instead of mouseenter
stick false boolean Tooltip does not close on mouseleave
textWrapperClass tooltip__text string Class of the tooltip text wrapper
tooltipClass tooltip string Tooltip base class
tooltipClassActiveModifier --active string Modifier that is added to the base class when tooltip is active


  • beforeShow.iptTooltip
  • afterShow.iptTooltip
  • beforeHide.iptTooltip
  • afterHide.iptTooltip


Bug reports, suggestions

  • File all your issues, feature requests here
  • If filing a bug report, follow the convention of Steps to reproduce / What happens? / What should happen?
  • If you're a developer, write a failing test instead of a bug report and send a Pull Request


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/iptools-jquery-tooltip/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Develop your feature by concepts of TDD, see Tips
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


Following tasks are there to help with development:

  • grunt watch:bdd listens to tests and source, reruns tests
  • grunt qa run QA task that includes tests and JSHint
  • grunt build minify source to dist/


Copyright © 2015 Interactive Pioneers GmbH. Licenced under GPLv3.