Touch fixes and better iframe support
- support for Apple magic mouse swipe back/forward aka Enable only if needed #378
- wrapper don't works on relative selector aka same classes not working #635
- horizontal scrollbar visibible but no need it on responsive layout
- tabindex start counter fix
- setAnimationFrame for IE8
- touch interaction with multiple scrollareas with IE/Edge on Surface
- mousewheel not working in safari & click event trigger twice in mobile #669
- false retriggering of scrollend event
- Not scrolling on lastest Firefox with HTML5 inside iframe #322
New options
- scrollbarid, you can set id assigned to scrollbar (default: false = auto-assigned)
- some code optimizations inspired from #604 by dmadan86 (thank you so much!)
- better content area size detection
- remove support for Windows Phone 7 and 7.1 (mango)
- minimal support change to IE8
New script iframe helper
Needed to fix, in some situation, browsers bad implementation of iframe events. (#322)