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Merge pull request #42 from invenia/gm/refactor_scaling
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Refactor scaling to only compute one mean and std
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Glenn Moynihan authored Mar 9, 2021
2 parents 8dd66b2 + 3edd9d8 commit f6bb5e4
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Showing 6 changed files with 164 additions and 175 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "FeatureTransforms"
uuid = "8fd68953-04b8-4117-ac19-158bf6de9782"
authors = ["Invenia Technical Computing Corporation"]
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.2.0"

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
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18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ julia> output_cols = [:temperature, :humidity];

For many models it is helpful to normalize the training data.
We can use `MeanStdScaling` for that purpose.
Note that we are mutating the data frame in-place using `apply!`, and the order of columns specified does not matter.
Note that we are mutating the data frame in-place using `apply!` one column at a time.

```jldoctest example
julia> scaling = MeanStdScaling(train_df; cols=output_cols);
julia> temp_scaling = MeanStdScaling(train_df; cols=:temperature);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(train_df, scaling; cols=output_cols)
julia> hum_scaling = MeanStdScaling(train_df; cols=:humidity);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(train_df, temp_scaling; cols=:temperature);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(train_df, hum_scaling; cols=:humidity)
22×4 DataFrame
Row │ time temperature humidity hour_of_day_sin
│ DateTime Float64 Float64 Float64
Expand All @@ -112,7 +116,9 @@ julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(train_df, scaling; cols=output_cols)
We can use the same `scaling` transform to normalize the test data:

```jldoctest example
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(test_df, scaling; cols=output_cols)
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(test_df, temp_scaling; cols=:temperature);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(test_df, hum_scaling; cols=:humidity)
2×4 DataFrame
Row │ time temperature humidity hour_of_day_sin
│ DateTime Float64 Float64 Float64
Expand All @@ -127,7 +133,9 @@ We can scale this back to the original units of temperature and humidity by conv
```jldoctest example
julia> predictions = DataFrame([-0.36 0.61; -0.45 0.68], output_cols);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(predictions, scaling; cols=output_cols, inverse=true)
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(predictions, temp_scaling; cols=:temperature, inverse=true);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(predictions, hum_scaling; cols=:humidity, inverse=true)
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ temperature humidity
│ Float64 Float64
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57 changes: 23 additions & 34 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ A single `Transform` instance can be applied to different data types, with suppo
!!! note

Some `Transform` subtypes have restrictions on how they can be applied once constructed.
For instance, `MeanStdScaling` stores the mean and standard deviation of some data for specified dimensions or column names.
So `MeanStdScaling` should only be applied to the same data type and for the same dimensions or subset of column names specified in construction.
For instance, `MeanStdScaling` stores the mean and standard deviation of some data, potentially specified via some dimension and column names.
So `MeanStdScaling` should only be applied to the same data, and for the same dimension and subset of column names, as those used in construction.

## Applying to `AbstractArray`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,9 +116,10 @@ julia> FeatureTransforms.apply(M, p; inds=[4, 5, 6])
### Applying along dimensions using `dims`

Transforms can be applied to `AbstractArray` data with a `dims` keyword argument.
This will apply the `Transform` to slices of the array along dimensions determined by `dims`.
For example, given a `Matrix`, `dims=1` applies to each column, and `dims=2` applies
to each row.
This will apply the `Transform` to slices of the array along this dimension, which can be selected by the `inds` keyword.
So when `dims` and `inds` are used together, the `inds` change from being the global indices of the array to the relative indices of each slice.

For example, given a `Matrix`, `dims=1` slices the data column-wise and `inds=[2, 3]` selects the 2nd and 3rd rows.

!!! note

Expand All @@ -132,49 +133,37 @@ julia> M
1.0 5.0
3.0 6.0
julia> normalize_cols = MeanStdScaling(M; dims=1);
julia> normalize_cols(M; dims=1)
3×2 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0 -1.0
-1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0
julia> normalize_rows = MeanStdScaling(M; dims=2);
julia> normalize_row = MeanStdScaling(M; dims=1, inds=[2])
MeanStdScaling(3.0, 2.8284271247461903)
julia> normalize_rows(M; dims=2)
3×2 Array{Float64,2}:
-0.707107 0.707107
julia> normalize_row(M; dims=1, inds=[2])
1×2 Array{Float64,2}:
-0.707107 0.707107
-0.707107 0.707107
### Using `dims` and `inds` together
julia> normalize_col = MeanStdScaling(M; dims=2, inds=[2])
MeanStdScaling(5.0, 1.0)
When using `dims` with `inds`, the `inds` change from being the global indices of the array to the relative indices of each slice.
For example, the following is another way to square the second column of an array, applying to index 2 of each row:

```jldoctest transforms
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply(M, p; dims=2, inds=[2])
julia> normalize_col(M; dims=2, inds=[2])
3×1 Array{Float64,2}:

## Applying to `Table`

### Default

Without specifying optional arguments, a `Transform` is applied to every column of a `Table` independently:
Without specifying optional arguments, a `Transform` is applied to all the data in a `Table`:

```jldoctest transforms
julia> nt = (a = [2.0, 1.0, 3.0], b = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
julia> scaling = MeanStdScaling(nt);
julia> scaling = MeanStdScaling(nt); # compute statistics using all data
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(nt, scaling)
(a = [0.0, -1.0, 1.0], b = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
(a = [-0.8017837257372732, -1.3363062095621219, -0.2672612419124244], b = [0.2672612419124244, 0.8017837257372732, 1.3363062095621219])

!!! note
Expand All @@ -185,8 +174,8 @@ julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(nt, scaling)
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply(nt, scaling)
2-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}:
[-2.0, -3.0, -1.0]
[-6.0, -5.0, -4.0]
[-2.2994001219583993, -2.585114407672685, -2.0136858362441137]
[-1.7279715505298279, -1.442257264815542, -1.1565429791012565]

### Applying to specific columns with `cols`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +222,7 @@ julia> scaling = MeanStdScaling(nt);
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(nt, scaling);
julia> nt
(a = [0.0, -1.0, 1.0], b = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
(a = [-0.8017837257372732, -1.3363062095621219, -0.2672612419124244], b = [0.2672612419124244, 0.8017837257372732, 1.3363062095621219])
julia> FeatureTransforms.apply!(nt, scaling; inverse=true);
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124 changes: 48 additions & 76 deletions src/scaling.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
AbstractScaling <: Transform
Linearly scale the data as `ax + b`, according to some statistics `a` and `b`.
Linearly scale the data according to some statistics.
abstract type AbstractScaling <: Transform end

Expand All @@ -12,93 +12,65 @@ Represents the no-op scaling which simply returns the `data` it is applied on.
struct IdentityScaling <: AbstractScaling end

_apply(x, scaling::IdentityScaling; kwargs...) = x
_apply!(x, scaling::IdentityScaling; kwargs...) = _apply(x, scaling; kwargs...)

@inline _apply(x, ::IdentityScaling; kwargs...) = x

MeanStdScaling(mean, std) <: AbstractScaling
MeanStdScaling(μ, σ) <: AbstractScaling
Linearly scale the data by a statistical `mean` and standard deviation `std`.
Linearly scale the data by the statistical mean `μ` and standard deviation `σ`.
This is also known as standardization, or the Z score transform.
Once computed, the statistics of a `MeanStdScaling` are immutable.
Can take a precomputed `mean` and `std` as arguments, or compute them from data.
# Arguments
* `mean::NamedTuple`: tuple of mean values, named by the scope of values it applies to.
`(all=μ, )` will apply to all data; `(1=μ1, 2=μ2)` for `AbstractArray` data will apply μ1
to the first slice and μ2 to the second slice; `(a=μ1, b=μ2)` for `Table` data will apply
μ1 to column `a` and μ2 to column `b`.
* `std::NamedTuple`: similar to `mean` but for standard deviation values.
# Keyword arguments to `apply`
* `inverse=true`: inverts the scaling (e.g. to reconstruct the unscaled data)
* `eps=1e-3`: replaces all 0 values in `std` before scaling (if `inverse=false`)
* `inverse=true`: inverts the scaling (e.g. to reconstruct the unscaled data).
* `eps=1e-3`: used in place of all 0 values in `σ` before scaling (if `inverse=false`).
struct MeanStdScaling <: AbstractScaling

MeanStdScaling(data; kwargs...) <: Scaling
Construct a [`MeanStdScaling`](@ref) using the mean and standard deviation of the data.
!!! note
`dims` and `cols` keyword arguments must be specified the same way when constructing
and applying the transform.
Otherwise, the results will be inconsistent, or an error may occur.
# Keyword arguments
* `dims=:`: for `AbstractArray` data, the dimension(s) to compute statistics along.
* `cols=nothing`: for `Table` data, the column names to compute statistics for.
function MeanStdScaling(data; kwargs...)
μ, σ = compute_stats(data; kwargs...)
return MeanStdScaling(μ, σ)

MeanStdScaling(A::AbstractArray; dims=:, inds=:) -> MeanStdScaling
MeanStdScaling(table, cols=nothing) -> MeanStdScaling
Construct a [`MeanStdScaling`](@ref) transform from the statistics of the given data.
By default _all the data_ is considered when computing the mean and standard deviation.
This can be restricted to certain slices via the keyword arguments (see below).
# `AbstractArray` keyword arguments
* `dims=:`: the dimension along which to take the `inds` slices. Default uses all dims.
* `inds=:`: the indices to use in computing the statistics. Default uses all indices.
# `Table` keyword arguments
* `cols=nothing`: the columns to use in computing the statistics. Default uses all columns.
!!! note
If you want the `MeanStdScaling` to transform your data consistently you should use
the same `inds`, `dims`, or `cols` keywords when calling `apply`. Otherwise, `apply`
might rescale the wrong data or throw an error.
function MeanStdScaling(A::AbstractArray; dims=:, inds=:)
dims == Colon() && return new(compute_stats(A)...)
return new(compute_stats(selectdim(A, dims, inds))...)

function compute_stats(A::AbstractArray; dims=:)
if dims == Colon()
μ = (all = mean(A), )
σ = (all = std(A), )
μ_pairs = [(Symbol(i), x) for (i, x) in enumerate(mean(A; dims=dims))]
σ_pairs = [(Symbol(i), x) for (i, x) in enumerate(std(A; dims=dims))]
function MeanStdScaling(table; cols=nothing)
Tables.istable(table) || throw(MethodError(MeanStdScaling, table))
columntable = Tables.columns(table)

μ = (; μ_pairs...)
σ = (; σ_pairs...)
cols = _to_vec(cols) # handle single column name
cnames = cols === nothing ? propertynames(columntable) : cols
data = reduce(vcat, [getproperty(columntable, c) for c in cnames])
return new(compute_stats(data)...)

return μ, σ

function compute_stats(table; cols=nothing)
columntable = Tables.columns(table)
cnames = cols === nothing ? propertynames(columntable) : cols
compute_stats(x) = (mean(x), std(x))

μ_pairs = [(cname, mean(getproperty(columntable, cname))) for cname in cnames]
σ_pairs = [(cname, std(getproperty(columntable, cname))) for cname in cnames]

return (; μ_pairs...), (; σ_pairs...)

function _apply(
A::AbstractArray, scaling::MeanStdScaling;
name=nothing, inverse=false, eps=1e-3, kwargs...
name = name === nothing ? :all : name
μ = scaling.mean[name]
σ = scaling.std[name]
if inverse
return μ .+ σ .* A
# Avoid division by 0
# If std is 0 then data was uniform, so the scaled value would end up ≈ 0
# Therefore the particular `eps` value should not matter much.
σ_safe = σ == 0 ? eps : σ
return (A .- μ) ./ σ_safe
function _apply(A::AbstractArray, scaling::MeanStdScaling; inverse=false, eps=1e-3)
inverse && return scaling.μ .+ scaling.σ .* A
# Avoid division by 0
# If std is 0 then data was uniform, so the scaled value would end up ≈ 0
# Therefore the particular `eps` value should not matter much.
σ_safe = maximum([scaling.σ, eps])
return (A .- scaling.μ) ./ σ_safe
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/transformers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -76,10 +76,8 @@ function apply(A::AbstractArray, t::Transform; dims=:, inds=:, kwargs...)

slice_index = 0
return @views mapslices(A, dims=dims) do x
slice_index += 1
_apply(x[inds], t; name=Symbol(slice_index), kwargs...)
_apply(x[inds], t; kwargs...)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ end

# 3-arg forms are simply to dispatch on whether cols is a Symbol or a collection
function _apply(table, t::Transform, col; kwargs...)
return _apply(getproperty(table, col), t; name=col, kwargs...)
return _apply(getproperty(table, col), t; kwargs...)

function _apply(table, t::Transform, cols::Union{Tuple, AbstractArray}; kwargs...)
Expand All @@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ function apply!(table::T, t::Transform; cols=nothing, kwargs...)::T where T

cnames = cols === nothing ? propertynames(columntable) : cols
for cname in cnames
apply!(getproperty(columntable, cname), t; name=cname, kwargs...)
apply!(getproperty(columntable, cname), t; kwargs...)

return table
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