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Trx parsing performance (#1925)
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farlee2121 authored Sep 11, 2023
1 parent 5bc03cf commit 61c4d71
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Showing 4 changed files with 135 additions and 103 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"ws": "^7.3.1",
"xhr2": "^0.2.0",
"xmldom": "^0.6.0",
"xpath": "^0.0.32"
"xpath": "^0.0.33"
"engines": {
"node": ">=16.0.0"
Expand Down
184 changes: 94 additions & 90 deletions src/Components/TestExplorer.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -233,24 +233,6 @@ type TestResult =
Timing: float
TestFramework: TestFrameworkId option }

type TrxTestDef =
{ ExecutionId: string
TestName: string
ClassName: string
TestFramework: TestFrameworkId option }

member self.FullName = TestName.fromPathAndTestName self.ClassName self.TestName

type TrxTestResult =
{ ExecutionId: string
FullTestName: string
Outcome: string
ErrorMessage: string option
ErrorStackTrace: string option
Timing: TimeSpan
TestFramework: TestFrameworkId option }

module Path =

let tryPath (path: string) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,6 +261,36 @@ module Path =

module TrxParser =

type Execution = { Id: string }

type TestMethod =
{ AdapterTypeName: string
ClassName: string
Name: string }

type UnitTest =
{ Execution: Execution
TestMethod: TestMethod }

member self.FullName =
TestName.fromPathAndTestName self.TestMethod.ClassName self.TestMethod.Name

type ErrorInfo =
{ Message: string option
StackTrace: string option }

type Output = { ErrorInfo: ErrorInfo }

type UnitTestResult =
{ ExecutionId: string
Outcome: string
Duration: TimeSpan
Output: Output }

type TestWithResult =
{ UnitTest: UnitTest
UnitTestResult: UnitTestResult }

let makeTrxPath (workspaceRoot: string) (storageFolderPath: string) (projectPath: ProjectFilePath) : string =
let relativeProjectPath = node.path.relative (workspaceRoot, projectPath)
let projectName = Path.getNameOnly projectPath
Expand All @@ -302,90 +314,82 @@ module TrxParser =
let xmlDoc = mkDoc trxContent
XPath.XPathSelector(xmlDoc, "")

let extractTestDefinitionsFromSelector (xpathSelector: XPath.XPathSelector) : TrxTestDef array =
let extractTestDef (index: int) _ : TrxTestDef =
let index = index + 1

let executionId =
xpathSelector.SelectString $"/t:TestRun/t:TestDefinitions/t:UnitTest[{index}]/t:Execution/@id"

let className =
xpathSelector.SelectString $"/t:TestRun/t:TestDefinitions/t:UnitTest[{index}]/t:TestMethod/@className"
let extractTestDefinitionsFromSelector (xpathSelector: XPath.XPathSelector) : UnitTest array =
let extractTestDef (node: XmlNode) : UnitTest =
let executionId = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "t:Execution/@id")

let testName =
xpathSelector.SelectString $"/t:TestRun/t:TestDefinitions/t:UnitTest[{index}]/t:TestMethod/@name"
let className = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "t:TestMethod/@className")
let testName = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "t:TestMethod/@name")

let testAdapter =
xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "t:TestMethod/@adapterTypeName")

{ ExecutionId = executionId
TestName = testName
ClassName = className
TestFramework = adapterTypeNameToTestFramework testAdapter }
{ Execution = { Id = executionId }
TestMethod =
{ Name = testName
ClassName = className
AdapterTypeName = testAdapter } }

xpathSelector.Select<obj array> "/t:TestRun/t:TestDefinitions/t:UnitTest"
|> Array.mapi extractTestDef
xpathSelector.SelectNodes "/t:TestRun/t:TestDefinitions/t:UnitTest"
|> extractTestDef

let extractTestDefinitions (trxPath: string) =
let selector = trxSelector trxPath
extractTestDefinitionsFromSelector selector

let extractTestResult (xpathSelector: XPath.XPathSelector) (executionId: string) : TrxTestResult =
// NOTE: The test result's `testName` isn't always the full name. Some libraries handle it differently
// Thus, it must be extracted from the test deff
let className =

let testName =

let outcome =
xpathSelector.SelectString $"/t:TestRun/t:Results/t:UnitTestResult[@executionId='{executionId}']/@outcome"
let extractResultsSection (xpathSelector: XPath.XPathSelector) : UnitTestResult array =
let extractRow (node: XmlNode) : UnitTestResult =

let errorInfoMessage =
let executionId = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "@executionId")

let errorStackTrace =
let outcome = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "@outcome")

let timing =
let duration =
let errorInfoMessage =
xpathSelector.TrySelectStringRelative(node, "t:Output/t:ErrorInfo/t:Message")

let success, ts = TimeSpan.TryParse(duration)
let errorStackTrace =
xpathSelector.TrySelectStringRelative(node, "t:Output/t:ErrorInfo/t:StackTrace")

if success then ts else TimeSpan.Zero
let durationSpan =
let durationString = xpathSelector.SelectStringRelative(node, "@duration")
let success, ts = TimeSpan.TryParse(durationString)
if success then ts else TimeSpan.Zero

let testAdapter =

{ ExecutionId = executionId
Outcome = outcome
Duration = durationSpan
Output =
{ ErrorInfo =
{ StackTrace = errorStackTrace
Message = errorInfoMessage } } }

{ ExecutionId = executionId
FullTestName = TestName.fromPathAndTestName className testName
Outcome = outcome
ErrorMessage = errorInfoMessage
ErrorStackTrace = errorStackTrace
Timing = timing
TestFramework = adapterTypeNameToTestFramework testAdapter }
xpathSelector.SelectNodes "/t:TestRun/t:Results/t:UnitTestResult"
|> extractRow

let extractTrxResults (trxPath: string) =
let xpathSelector = trxSelector trxPath

let trxDefToTrxResult (trxDef: TrxTestDef) =
extractTestResult xpathSelector trxDef.ExecutionId
let trxDefs = extractTestDefinitionsFromSelector xpathSelector

extractTestDefinitionsFromSelector xpathSelector |> trxDefToTrxResult
let trxResults = extractResultsSection xpathSelector

let inferHierarchy (testDefs: TrxTestDef array) : TestName.NameHierarchy<TrxTestDef> array =
let trxDefId (testDef: UnitTest) = testDef.Execution.Id
let trxResId (res: UnitTestResult) = res.ExecutionId
let _, matched, _ = ArrayExt.venn trxDefId trxResId trxDefs trxResults

let matchedToResult (testDef: UnitTest, testResult: UnitTestResult) : TestWithResult =
{ UnitTest = testDef
UnitTestResult = testResult }

let normalizedResults = matched |> matchedToResult

let inferHierarchy (testDefs: UnitTest array) : TestName.NameHierarchy<UnitTest> array =
|> (fun td -> {| FullName = td.FullName; Data = td |})
|> TestName.inferHierarchy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -971,13 +975,16 @@ module TestDiscovery =
let projectPath = ProjectPath.ofString project.Project
let heirarchy = TrxParser.inferHierarchy trxDefs

let fromTrxDef (hierarchy: TestName.NameHierarchy<TrxTestDef>) =
let fromTrxDef (hierarchy: TestName.NameHierarchy<TrxParser.UnitTest>) =
// NOTE: A project could have multiple test frameworks, but we only track NUnit for now to work around a defect
// The complexity of modifying inferHierarchy and fromNamedHierarchy to distinguish frameworks for individual chains seems excessive for current needs
// Thus, this just determins if there are *any* Nunit tests in the project and treats all the tests like NUnit tests if there are.
let testFramework =
(fun nh -> nh.Data |> Option.bind (fun (trxDef: TrxTestDef) -> trxDef.TestFramework))
(fun nh ->
|> Option.bind (fun (trxDef: TrxParser.UnitTest) ->
TrxParser.adapterTypeNameToTestFramework trxDef.TestMethod.AdapterTypeName))

let testItemFactory (testItemBuilder: TestItem.TestItemBuilder) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1142,10 +1149,10 @@ module Interactions =

displayTestResultInExplorer testRun (treeItem, additionalResult))

let private trxResultToTestResult (trxResult: TrxTestResult) =
let private trxResultToTestResult (trxResult: TrxParser.TestWithResult) =
// Q: can I get these parameters down to just trxResult?
let expected, actual =
match trxResult.ErrorMessage with
match trxResult.UnitTestResult.Output.ErrorInfo.Message with
| None -> None, None
| Some message ->
let lines =
Expand All @@ -1158,14 +1165,15 @@ module Interactions =

tryFind "Expected:", tryFind "But was:"

{ FullTestName = trxResult.FullTestName
Outcome = !!trxResult.Outcome
ErrorMessage = trxResult.ErrorMessage
ErrorStackTrace = trxResult.ErrorStackTrace

{ FullTestName = trxResult.UnitTest.FullName
Outcome = !!trxResult.UnitTestResult.Outcome
ErrorMessage = trxResult.UnitTestResult.Output.ErrorInfo.Message
ErrorStackTrace = trxResult.UnitTestResult.Output.ErrorInfo.StackTrace
Expected = expected
Actual = actual
Timing = trxResult.Timing.Milliseconds
TestFramework = trxResult.TestFramework }
Timing = trxResult.UnitTestResult.Duration.Milliseconds
TestFramework = TrxParser.adapterTypeNameToTestFramework trxResult.UnitTest.TestMethod.AdapterTypeName }

type MergeTestResultsToExplorer =
TestRun -> ProjectPath -> TargetFramework -> TestItem array -> TestResult array -> unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1620,14 +1628,10 @@ let activate (context: ExtensionContext) =

testController.refreshHandler <- Some refreshHandler

let shouldAutoDiscoverTests =
Configuration.get true "FSharp.TestExplorer.AutoDiscoverTestsOnLoad"

let mutable hasInitiatedDiscovery = false

Project.workspaceLoaded.Invoke(fun () ->
if shouldAutoDiscoverTests && not hasInitiatedDiscovery then
if not hasInitiatedDiscovery then

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stroborobo Sep 18, 2023


Was this intentional? The setting still exists in package.json, but I don't think it was moved, right?

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TheAngryByrd Sep 18, 2023


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farlee2121 Sep 18, 2023

Author Contributor

This was not intentional and it's a bug

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farlee2121 Sep 18, 2023

Author Contributor

I'll submit a PR

hasInitiatedDiscovery <- true

let trxTests =
Expand Down
44 changes: 36 additions & 8 deletions src/Imports/XPath.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,13 @@ open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop

module XmlDoc =
type XmlNode =

type XmlDoc =
inherit XmlNode

let private dom: obj = import "DOMParser" "xmldom"
Expand All @@ -16,27 +21,50 @@ module XmlDoc =
module XPath =
/// return value will be a Node, Attr, string, int or bool
/// See
type SelectXPath = System.Func<string, XmlDoc.XmlDoc, obj>
type SelectXPath = System.Func<string, XmlDoc.XmlNode, bool, obj>

type XPath =
abstract member useNamespaces: obj -> SelectXPath

let xpath: XPath = jsNative

let private selectWith (select: SelectXPath) (xmlDoc: XmlDoc.XmlDoc) (xpath: string) = select.Invoke(xpath, xmlDoc)
type SelectCardinality =
| Single
| Many

module SelectCardinality =
let toBool =
| Single -> true
| Many -> false

let private selectWith
(select: SelectXPath)
(xmlNode: XmlDoc.XmlNode)
(xpath: string)
(selectSingle: SelectCardinality)
select.Invoke(xpath, xmlNode, SelectCardinality.toBool selectSingle)

type XPathSelector(xmlDoc, ns) =
let selectXPath = xpath.useNamespaces {| t = ns |}

member this.Select<'t>(xpath: string) : 't = !! selectWith selectXPath xmlDoc xpath
member this.SelectNodes(xpath: string) : XmlDoc.XmlNode array =
!! selectWith selectXPath xmlDoc xpath Many

member this.SelectString(xpath: string) : string = this.Select<string>($"string({xpath})")
member this.SelectStringRelative(node: XmlDoc.XmlNode, xpath: string) : string =
!! selectWith selectXPath node $"string({xpath})" Single

member this.SelectStrings(xpath: string) : string array =
this.Select<string array>($"string({xpath})")
member this.SelectString(xpath: string) : string =
this.SelectStringRelative(xmlDoc, xpath)

member this.TrySelectString(xpath: string) : string option =
let s = this.SelectString(xpath)
member this.SelectStrings(xpath: string) : string array = !! this.SelectNodes($"string({xpath})")

member this.TrySelectStringRelative(node: XmlDoc.XmlNode, xpath: string) : string option =
let s = this.SelectStringRelative(node, xpath)

if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) then None else Some s

member this.TrySelectString(xpath: string) : string option =
this.TrySelectStringRelative(xmlDoc, xpath)
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions yarn.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1707,10 +1707,10 @@ xmldom@^0.6.0:
resolved ""
integrity sha512-iAcin401y58LckRZ0TkI4k0VSM1Qg0KGSc3i8rU+xrxe19A/BN1zHyVSJY7uoutVlaTSzYyk/v5AmkewAP7jtg==

version "0.0.32"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-rxMJhSIoiO8vXcWvSifKqhvV96GjiD5wYb8/QHdoRyQvraTpp4IEv944nhGausZZ3u7dhQXteZuZbaqfpB7uYw==
version "0.0.33"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-NNXnzrkDrAzalLhIUc01jO2mOzXGXh1JwPgkihcLLzw98c0WgYDmmjSh1Kl3wzaxSVWMuA+fe0WTWOBDWCBmNA==

version "4.0.3"
Expand Down

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