Art in your terminal
npm i @ionited/art
Require the package in your Node.js file:
const art = require('@ionited/art');
Display ANSI 8 Colors (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white):'Hey! I am blue!');
For brighter color put 'bright' before the color:
art.brightRed('Hey! I am brighter red!');
For background color put 'bg' before the color:
art.bgYellow('Hey! I have yellow background!');
Background colors also working with bright prefix:
art.bgBrightGreen('Hey! I have brighter green background!');
Style your texts with modificators (bold, dim, italic, underline, blink, inverse, invisible, strikethrough):
art.bold('Hey! I am a bold text!');
You can join styles and make art in your terminal:
art.bgGreen.bold.yellow('A beatiful message!');
Make loadings or other animations easily:
art.animation(frames: any, infinite?: boolean, fps?: number): void
art.animation(['#', '##', '###', '####', '#####']);