##General Build Instructions (linux, macOS)
- From Connect SDK root, run the following
##iOS Build Instructions
- Downalod and install Xcode
- Install Command Line Tools for Xcode
- From Connect SDK root, run the following
./build.sh --platform=ios
- Please note that output universal lib contains
archs, so old devices are not supported
##Hanwha-wn build instructions
- Download and install OpenSDK v2.03 from Samsung
- From Connect SDK root, run the following
##Axis-mips build instructions
- Download and install AXIS Embedded Development SDK (aka ACAP SDK) v2.0.3
- Set environment variable AXIS_SDK_ROOT to full path to folder containing init_env script e.g.
export AXIS_SDK_ROOT=/home/<user>/axis/emb-app-sdk_2_0_3
- Install MIPS toolchain from ${AXIS_SDK_ROOT}/tools/compiler/mips/ folder. It will install to /usr/local/mips... folder.
- Set BOOST_ROOT to point prebuild Boost 1.62.0 library
- From Connect SDK root, run the following
./build.sh --platform=axis-mips